Something is clearly going on just now. I don’t know whether my government sincerely expects my country to be involved in a major war in the near future, but it is behaving as if it does. Several politicians and military figures have made statements over the last six weeks to the effect that Britain should be better prepared for war than it currently is. Conscription has been mentioned, since the vaunted British armed forces are operating with skeleton crews nowadays. Restoring national service has been mentioned. Reversing “the woke nonsense” that has weakened our military has been mentioned.
I don’t believe for a second - and neither does anyone else - that it’s just by coincidence that these different people have all made statements about this matter within a short period of time. Something is going on.
One theory is that they’re setting up the threat of conscription so that the public will be relieved when they are presented with the alternative: hugely increased spending on drones. It’ll mean paying more tax, but it’ll also mean little Johnny won’t have to get his legs blown off.
The First World War heralded the arrival, full force, of mechanised warfare. But it’s obvious that the machine gun is no match for the AI-controlled drone. A major war now would herald the arrival, full force, of digital warfare. But, while the surveillance, facial recognition and targeting algorithms would be digital, the casualties would still be human. Ivan and Vlad will get their legs blown off, but Johnny and Monty will be safe.
Safe, that is, until Russia decides it’s had enough, and simply launches a good old-fashioned missile at the centre of each major British city. I say “old-fashioned” but Russia’s arsenal is souped-up compared to weaponry of the past. The hypersonic missiles travel so fast as to be nearly impossible to intercept, so Western cities would be sitting ducks. What’s more, even non-nuclear warheads are now incredibly powerful. A standard high-explosive ICBM has a blast radius of 1.5km and could kill nearly 200,000 people (three times the death toll of the nuclear bomb on Hiroshima). The damage that just one ICBM would inflict on a city centre would be historic. As for the nuclear warheads, if those are deployed, we would be looking at truly transformative scales of slaughter. To emphasise: we’re not in 1945 any more.
All of which makes it simply incredible that Western leaders seem to be doing everything they can to make war against Russia happen. And not just war against Russia in Ukraine; war against Russia everywhere.
One of the most disgusting things I have ever seen in my life was Boris Johnson suggesting that young British people consider the “advantages” of joining the armed forces.
Let’s leave aside the repulsive “jokey” way (see above) that he talked about such a serious matter, as if he is incapable of ever addressing the public in the manner of anything but a “lovable bumbling buffoon”, even when he’s asking them to kill and get killed. Let’s also leave aside the fact that he is asking young people to fight for a state that despises them and works against them all the time, even systematically replacing them in their own homeland with foreigners and then encouraging the foreigners to hate them and indoctrinating them to hate themselves. Men like Boris Johnson have turned Britain into a dilapidated shopping mall, and now ask it to behave like a nation? It’s enough to make your blood boil. But let’s leave aside the moral grotesquery of the Conservative Party in general and just focus on the here and now.
There are no other big adversaries, so Johnson can only be talking about war against Russia. We know that, in 2022, he visited Ukraine and prevented a peace deal with Russia from being struck. Ukraine’s young male population has been all but wrecked as a direct result of this, and as a result of that, the country “needs a plan” in order to continue existing. Of course, the plan will end up being massive numbers of Africans, which means the Ukrainian people will be extincted, which means it won’t be Ukraine that exists in a hundred years but a nondescript economic zone. The sheer wickedness of everyone responsible for this is difficult to believe. They have destroyed Ukraine, and it looks like they want to do the same, or at least similar, to “their own” countries. Like a software update or a brand name, the war in Ukraine could be “franchised” out across the whole of Europe, instantiated in one country after another using the same iconography, the same logos, the same arguments; the ghoulish recipe perfected and re-deployed to dupe this people, and that people, and that people.
That nightmarish vision aside, in any case they are talking about war against Russia. So Johnson helped engineer a foreign war that had nothing to do with Britain, and now he asks the British people to fight in that war - to kill and get killed in a war that he helped engineer, and which has nothing to do with them.
Of course, Johnson and his friends would say that it very much does have something to do with Britain - because Putin is an imperialist maniac who wants to take over… what? The world? The West? Western Europe? That hasn’t been specified yet. But we are definitely supposed to be scared.
Given these various factors, I believe the truth is: they want a war against Russia. The theory that they’re just scaring the public so that they’ll agree to pay for more drones… I don’t find that very convincing. They can always increase taxes - it’s all they ever do - so they don’t need the public on side for that. And anyway, getting the public on side (by scaring them with talk of conscription) will have the side-effect of antagonising Russia anyway, and why would they risk that unless they want the war? And if they don’t want the war, why did Johnson go over to Ukraine to nix the peace negotiations? All the evidence points in one direction.
The reason we find it hard to believe is that it is so insane. Much like with covid or climate change, we struggle to believe that our leaders would commit such evil, would lie to us about something so massive, and would actually want something so terrible (a world war) to happen. But I think they do.
The only question is why.
One answer we can certainly disqualify is “this war would be good for the British people”. Yes, I know the old saying that a nation needs a war every few decades in order to stay healthy. That might well be true, but it’s not what is motivating them. They don’t give a damn about the health of Britain. They do everything they can to destroy Britain. Even now, they are bringing in more Third Worlders every single day, more than ever before. (And even with this war drive, they are talking about making it easier for women to join the armed forces. Who cares for a nation and advocates that its young women go off to war? Decimating the young females of a population is quasi-genocidal towards that population. And it’s mentally bad for the men to watch their women being soldiers. It’s just bad, in every way, for the group.)
Here is another theory. Perhaps their idea is to forge a new Britain, a new mixed-race kind, in the furnace of a world war. The same would obviously hold in other countries - France, Germany, Sweden. Perhaps they have decided that peace-time just doesn’t conduce towards ethnogenesis, so there needs to be a huge war in order to make the disparate groups in each country feel that they are one people - Nouvelle France, Neues Deutschland, Nya Sverige, New Britain. Shared trauma might make the races finally trust each other, feel comfortable with each other, at one together, then they would socialise and miscegenate far more than now. That would finish off the European race once and for all.
Another theory - which has been drifting around ever since the covid lockdowns - is that Western economies are in absolute dire straits so the elites are engineering huge catastrophes in order to hide, negate or solve the problem. A world war would be probably the best way to achieve an economic “reset”, wiping out the gigantic debts and instituting a radically new economic system.
But even that seems wrong. The only debts that would be written off would be those owed by the winner to the loser. But would we be the winner in this war? If we have no defence against Russia’s hypersonic missiles, they can just send some to destroy the key government buildings and military installations around America, and maybe one to take out the entire centre of London. I don’t see how the West could win against such tactics.
The big question is why, if Russia has such technology, we don’t have it as well.
Maybe we do.
Maybe we have even more fantastical weapons.
If we don’t, why are our leaders engineering a huge war?
Do they want us wiped out? Is that what’s going on here?
But then why are they bringing in all the Africans? So that they can get wiped out along with us?
I will be honest. It’s a new year, and I really don’t understand what is going on. It might be that not much is going on at all, that our leaders are simply bluffing, assuming that Russia and China won’t rise to the provocations. But that seems a very foolish game to play. And I find it hard to believe that, at the level of governance, anything happens for no reason.
Welcome to 2024, everyone.
Everything back to and including COVID seems to me to be part of a concerted effort to demoralise white Western man. In the UK, our leaders are all brown, our kids are being sterilised and mutilated, our history, culture and cities destroyed, the middle class routed and the economy deliberately smashed. And with totalitarian measures such as 15 minute cities, digital ID'S, Internet censorship and CBDCs incoming, they now have the gall to be suggesting we all sacrifice our first born son, daughter or tranny for the glory of gay multicultural Blighty. Add the dawning realisation of the masses that an Islamic takeover is becoming a demographic certainty, it seems they are deliberately trying to break our spirit for the horrors that lay ahead. I see no political solution. Only revolution stops the madness now.
I remember during the Covid years watching UK Column for the latest information and deep dives into the WHO and vaccines etc. Part of their ''content package'' was tracking the ''Five Eyes'' nations, their white papers and military agreements etc.
People would complain that all this stuff about submarines and military bases was pointless and leading nowhere. Once Mike Robinson had to address the pushback of the audience directly in a sort of ''Trust us, this will matter a great deal in the years ahead''. This was years before Russia invaded Ukraine.
The point is, it seems this has been a long time coming, whatever ''it'' is.