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Jul 16, 2023
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Thank you. I actually hope she doesn't read it, because is too late for her to be helped, and because she might well respond by attacking me. In the essay, I tried to keep it specifically on one aspect, one chain of decisions, so that she wouldn't feel attacked personally. It genuinely wasn't my intention to attack her in general. But I think she would take it badly.

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The truth has this strange quality though, that even when it's impossibly bitter, if you do find the courage to swallow it, it can never fail to be salutary, even when as you say you might think it was 'too late' ....you're NEVER better off being left in darkness and delusion, the truth is always worth it at any price. Would she have that courage, though? you're probably right, she wouldn't thank you at all, to say the least - her most likely response would be to lash out at you

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I’m really appreciating your writing. This is a superb article which very few today would have have the insight and clarity of mind to craft.

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Thank you. :)

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“In this age, intellectual and social commentary is a terrible concert of denial, deceit and delusion, where the players are flawed people believing fervently in the lies as a desperate refuge from their personal failings, which in turn have gone unaddressed because of the lies of their predecessors. Generation after generation build up an enormous pyre of lies, so that commentators are progressively less moored to reality and more damaged in themselves, even as they attempt to do the job of commentary. So, with each generation, that job becomes ever less about objective analysis, and ever more a form of intellectual triage.“

I’ve always thought that this is basically “progressivism” as a whole, a coalition of groups with serious problems that see common purpose in rejecting any semblance of societal standards or responsibilities as opposed to any serious loyalty to truth or rationality or intellectual thought that they LOVE to performatively posture about. They want the privilege to continue being dysfunctional without any critique or consequence. As they succeed it paves the path for social decline and therefore more and more fallen individuals to keep the downward spiral spiraling further. I think you can see this quite clearly with the breadtube people, vaush has become a tubb-o now have you seen that guy?

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Yes, I agree. The process could have been referred to as the process of progressivism.

Vaush, yes. A truly hideous case.

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"The entire history of life on Earth is wrong because I didn't have the intellectual courage to think for myself 15 years ago"

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This is going to be the mental course chosen by droves of Millennial women once they reach 40.

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1. She's not white.

2. She's a she..

3, She's a lesbian.

4. She's a man hating feminist,.......... as if there were any other type.

Ergo the Guardian editor would publish a picture of her shit in the toilet over half a page every day of the week if she provided him with those pictures. He doesn't read her stuff he just publishes any old "crap" she produces because of 1, 2, 3 and 4 and because he knows his real women and his fake women readers are identikit empty headed morons just like her.

Yes her life is a disaster, yes she will fall out with her "girlfriend" over the child because the child is nothing to do with her and yes she will be forced to pay for that child for decades whilst never seeing it which is a win win for the child and its mother that's for sure. And last but not least she already knows all this hence her evermore deranged pieces in print.

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An excellent post mortem of this woman's public self humiliation. Realising what she's done, she cannot face up to the biological reality that men seek youth and beauty, whilst women seek power and status. So to square the circle she bends reality into a pretzel, pleasing her masters at the Guardian. The only good to come out of this was that her partner carried the child. Why? I would wager that Mahdawi needs more than a tipple every evening to relax and become "comfortable numb" in her delusions.

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A brilliant piece. Thank you, sir.

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The Guardian is crying for help, approaching the limit of its own fertile window, and the cries can be identified by the yellow background. When I click on the link to the 2019 Molyneux article, the page starts with

"This article is more than 3 years old"

and ends with

"If you can, please support us on a monthly basis from just €2. It takes less than a minute to set up, and you can rest assured that you’re making a big impact every single month in support of open, independent journalism. Thank you."

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Great writing Woes, you have a real flair for it. Nice rhetorical and dialectical take down of her insane opinions and world view!

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I used to think I could convert a leftie with facts and logic, then I realized they're mental. The women seem to be the worst.

The chews couldn't subvert the host nation if these people didn't exist as footsoldiers for them.

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Many commentators have pointed out that the most disturbing thing about Soviet Union was that their cultural and political elite actually BELIEVED their own propaganda. Even in their private correspondence they kept on quoting Lenin with passion, to the end they were true believers.

So it wasn't just a cynical power game, which would have been a kind of consolation. i.e. they may lie, but at least they are sane. Horrible reality was that it was a true sickness of the mind. In this article you explored a contemporary equivalent.

It makes the degraded state of our culture disturbingly concrete. Not only lies on top of lies, and lies all the way down, but the liars don't usually even realize what they spread are lies. It's bad enough when they lie to us, but much more horrifying when they lie to themselves, guzzle their own kool-aid.

Another top tier article! Approaching this important topic through a real life example of a Guardian journalist was an excellent idea.

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Feel sorry for the child, given the domestic abuse stats for lesbian couples.

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Superb essay, demonstrating how the warped ideas underpinning the Empire of Lies can steadily destroy the futures of even its most committed evangelists. Your lack of malice toward this individual is also evident, and admirable. With this Substack you are really spoiling us Woes...

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Thank you. :)

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Mind boggling.

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I'd be fascinated to learn what factors were involved in how they decided on a sperm donor. I'd be willing to bet a large sum of money they could be described as eugenic.

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Apparently the girlfriend is Jewish, so I imagine that might play a role in selecting the sperm donor.

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There is very high demand for white sperm, and almost none for black sperm. In countries like the UK, Belgium and the Netherlands, a large amount of sperm is imported from Denmark in order to meet the phenotypical demands of women who want particular eye and hair colours.

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hoping for a rebuttal from Arwa Madhavi but very much doubting that will happen;

in many ways she is a victim herself but cannot be helped unless she sees the flaws in her model of thought and THATS ALL SHES GOT,

so she cant risk the whole cognitive super structure coming down by worrying a thread

not as long as shes writing for the Grauniad anyhow!

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