Aug 29Liked by Millennial Woes

Excellent Woes.

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Thank you.

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Aug 22Liked by Millennial Woes

It seems that Davies, and his ill-begotten creation, embody the telos of the Progressive Libtard religion. Also, I think that the forced meme of "joy" coming from Kamala's campaign, and its parallel here, is no coincidence. It's all related to the aesthetic of late-stage Liberalism, in which you paint rainbows on top of decay -- it's uncanny, cheap and wrong.

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It is good that the show is Science Fiction Fantasy, because one can choose to be a fan of the original early stories and simply ignore what came after. For me Dr. Who basically ended when Jon Pertwee left the show, with some of Tom Baker’s stories being good. I couldn’t care less about what these idiots do with it, but I am concerned that a show is being used to push such a terrible agenda onto the public.

The stories written for William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton (the best Dr. who in my opinion) and Jon Pertwee were written for entertainment and escapism. The rubbish produced in recent years was written to indoctrinate and imprison minds.

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Aug 20Liked by Millennial Woes

This whole series was brilliant. Well done, MW.

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Thank you.

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I have read them all now and I must say that is was an excellent series.

Makes me wish you would do a series on proper Doctor Who, if only because I am a massive fan of the real series.

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I really like your written articles, Woes; however, I really wish you would have monthly Grams again.

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Aug 16Liked by Millennial Woes

Great series, thanks for the well-researched and insightful read.

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Aug 15Liked by Millennial Woes

Finally, something worth reading on this thing called the internet. I too have no idea what goes on in the progressive (regressive) realm of BBC or Disney nowadays. Switched off like literally a decade ago so reading this brings me pure joy. I and many creatives now enjoy gaming and streaming that brings a more profound enjoyment to our lives. I get to meet, chat & collaborate with people all over the world. The BBC will be done, over, compute in a decade. I'm surprised it's still going to be honest. Our memories of these shows from our childhoods are simple that and the youth growing up now have something far superior, far creative and entertaining than anything that Disney & the BBC produce. The future is theirs not some 50 or 60 year olds. I 'd also like to note that young people studying TV & Film are no longer interested in this old medium and instead are captivated with YouTubers and Podcasters now! I actually know one guy 17 years old who has never watched any movies from directors such as Tarrontino, Spielberg and all the other self assholes. They simple don't care! Great Article, looking forward to reading more. This will be my only comment so Hello and Goodbye from me., back to lurking I be....

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Gay culture needs to go back to being shallow, stupid, and revolting.

This preening legitimization has no irony. Boring.

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Aug 12Liked by Millennial Woes

Having never watched a second of Dr. Who I found learning about what went on here very enjoyable to read.

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Great! That's exactly what I was hoping for! :)

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Aug 12Liked by Millennial Woes

He is to quote Dutton a spiteful mutant.

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Seems like a weird choice. Since the 2005 reboot, Dr Who always had progressive themes and representation and no one really had a problem with it. It seems like they had to turn it up past 11 for some reason that is alienating to some but baffling to most. I'm not really offended, I just have to ask “who is this for?”

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Aug 12Liked by Millennial Woes

It is quite fitting that after the 12th Doctor the series should turn out like this since he was only supposed to have 12 lives, right?

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Aug 12Liked by Millennial Woes

Liberals, lefties and proggies aren't interested in real freedom. The only freedom they care about is sexual licence. They want to reduce all other freedoms. In that way they can have a docile population concentrating on just indulging its animal desires.

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Aug 12Liked by Millennial Woes

Very insightful. Excellent analysis. Great read.

Hopefully it won’t get you arrested over there in Soviet Britain

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Amen, and well done.

So, so, so many gays are psychologically damaged in this way. It's the truth. Most people know it, even if they won't admit it. Almost zero homosexuals will admit it.

As a young, callow, damaged gay guy, I was like this. Now that I can see the truth, but worse I say it out loud, they hate me as badly as they hate straight people.

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Aug 12Liked by Millennial Woes

Absolutely. I’m gay and came to the conclusion years ago that most gays are evil, selfish, resentful and spiteful. They make other people’s lives, including gay ones, hell. Lesbians in my experience are the worst, pure evil.

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Most of us - I think - don't fit in, one way or another. That's normal. The default settings are a starting place that's more-or-less adequate for the majority of people, but ideal for only a few. But instead of being mature about this, and figuring out how to coexist harmoniously with our environment, we've been inundated with messaging about how oppressive and broken the default environment is.

Of course the one-size-fits-all coveralls don't fit! You're supposed to have them tailored!

The result is an endless war, turning the Perfect into the enemy of the Good. Rather than accepting inconvenience and suffering as the cost of existing, the rebel pledges himself to Saturn the god of comfort and death, in his foolhardy search for panacea.

I can already hear the shouts of anguish from the cult members when I say, "None of us fit in, not really."

"But I fit in even less than you! Recognize my victimized!"

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