I think perhaps the fundamental problem in the West today - or at least the fundamental manifestation of the problem - is that hierarchy has been ruptured. We live under the mirage of democracy but it really is a mirage. The public never get what they vote for. Meantime, there is an anti-democratic elite, and they seem to get what they want all the time no matter how egregious it is. Yet, they shy from calling themselves “the elite”, and do not take their responsibilities seriously. They do not even take seriously the task of contemplating their position.
If anyone doubts that this is the case in the Age of DIE, they only need to look at the corrupt and incompetent DAs going after President Trump with endless bogus charges. Was it Time that wrote a piece last year (2022) about how this was the revenge of women of color against the white man? If not, it was some other big publication.
The Jolly Heretic recently focused on the West's competency decline.
The military could not function without hierarchy. The most important hierarchy for Man to understand is that God if He exists is above humanity. For this reason, His laws in divine revelation are to be followed. His laws in the Torah even if only half followed have so far kept Jews in existence and apart from gentiles. His laws in the Koran should therefore protect gentiles against the degeneracy of feminism.
This is genius. By the way, we should psychoanalyse more and more our enemies. Nothing kills better than a vivisection.
“After the pursuit, he is full of resentment that his beautiful idea was rejected - by those who stood to gain by it (the poor, who are now “proven” to be stupid), and those who stood to lose by it (the rich, who are now “proven” to be evil), and those in-between who should have known better (his middle-class peers, who could have helped him in his crusade but didn’t, and are now “proven” to be cowardly).”
equality' seems to have first reared it's head with christianity no? 'everyone is equal in the eyes of 'god'.' i can remember saying to John Lamb Lash one day that the early christians were the first communists... before this, the concept of human equality does not exist as far as i can ascertain... to me it seems apparant that the origin of the concept of human equality is in fact the origin of the concept of 'the rest of humanity, but not us' equality... and as you say, totally unnatural... but given that the source of this ideology is essentially the Dead Sea... which is the most 'lacking in natural life' part of this glorious planet, is this such a surprise?
When religion or god-believers or Christians say we are all equal, they could mean that we are all subject to the same laws of nature, not that we are all equally intelligent or deserving of good things.
We will certainly not all be equal when we are judged. I think a major part of our problems is down to an affluent society that prevents anyone from facing the consequences of their actions, see for instance the new anti-obesity drugs.
While you are absolutely correct about our affluence shielding us from the consequences of our actions, I am not sure that anti-obesity drugs are the best example. The "side" effects are terrible.
Fair enough, there are various other methods to control related illnesses such as diabetes type 2 for example. The point is that these diseases are reversible through diet and exercise but the patients choose not to do it. Therefore those who maintain their health as best they can and are able to work are forced to pay for those who do and did not.
I cannot disagree with you. Technological medicine is keeping people alive, pulling very sick people through, who then go on to reproduce (most of them). This would explain every generation being weaker and more sickly than the previous one.
Until maybe 90 years ago, acute illnesses took (killed) the weakest and so, for a period, we were a strong people. Now, most of us are walking disasters with some form of degenerative illness, even (and especially) young people. These young people, by the time they finish high school, have had about 72 doses of vaccines. They now give a Hep B shot to all newborns in the hospital. And don't get me started on the Kill Shot.
I find this matter very difficult. On the one hand there is the desire on the Left to kill children in the womb which almost deranges them in their desire to do so. I remember when abortion was legalised in some South American country recently there was a group of women who 'celebrated' the decision in the street, coated in paint, naked to the waist, screaming and wailing. It was utterly inhuman and animal. On the other hand we keep people alive who would otherwise have not survived either medically or because they were useless. They are then able to have kids: the particular example would be the terminally thick council-estate tart who has multicoloured kids and no man in the house for longer than a year or two. The children grow up and promptly breed themselves. The productive are then left to pay for their dole, 'education' and medical treatment. They are a dead weight and nothing else.
the joy of this subject MW has hit upon here... it's intriguing and addictive... i just got out of the shower, during which I pondered it some more... and maybe the heart of the matter is that natural hierarchy is also ultimately ephemeral... as is beauty, as is everything natural... and this is the average human animal's weak point... 'time'... any concept of 'equality'... any attempt at installing an unnatural hierarchy (monarchies, bloodlines, religious orders, political ,orders, whatever)... is nothing more or less than the age old human desire to control/slow/stop 'time'... ? I have to flesh this out a bit but my rigpa says i'm onto the right bone here... gotta go to work... it's time
a female reacts to the moon's cycles differently to a male... and each individual female differently to the other... i will react to 35° centigrade totally differently to my two sons, who react totally differently to each other... if a group of 5 blokes fall into 4° water, one might survive and 4 die... all religious people are doing is replacing Nature with god... read Sheperd on this... "Nature and Madness"... replacing a true natural hierarchy that is beyond their understanding because it takes total ego loss to understand, with an unnatural hierarchy (priests, rabbis, lamas, popes, the sanhedrin etc.) which is easier to understand... and beneath that unnatural hierarchy, and ultimately 'god' 'all are equal'....
we are all subject to the laws of nature... that's an unavoidable given, but there is nothing equal about that... nothing at all... the laws of nature are unequal... that is their 'nature'... that is Nature... and so subjects to the laws of nature are, by definition, not equal
"It is not within everyone's ability to understand the world's intellectual heritage at the same level, any more than everyone who enters college can expect to be a theoretical physicist by trying hard enough. At every stage of learning, some people reach their limits." --R. J. Herrnstein, and C. Murray
The weak and useless always want equality which is why they vote for it to the detriment of those who produce and then those who produce are enslaved so that they produce more and more as the protected classes multiply and do less and less whilst voting themselves more and more of the cake they had nothing to do with producing. Animal farm tells the tale of today far more succinctly than 1984 does.
As the Greeks knew the only way to avoid this in a democracy is to have representatives chosen by lot for specific short periods and not by self-serving voters putting self-serving alleged criminals in place for decades as we have seen all too well in Scotland these last 20 years.
The race wars in this country and all across the West are inevitable now as the WEF imposed governments know only too well which is why they massively overreact to anyone who seems to be a seed for the crystalisation process to begin. And every time they stop it happening by clamping down on that individual they make it more and more inevitable as the saturated solution becomes evermore saturated and they wake more and more people up to their ongoing criminality, a two edged sword.
Russell Brand is only the latest in a long line of people like Icke, Robinson, Hopkins, Woes, etc etc etc that need to be clamped down on lest they start people thinking for themselves about anything at all, even what to feed the hamster for breakfast, that could lead them to wondering why their local hospital or council office looks like it is based in Bangladesh or Syria rather than the West.
Supersaturation effects are simple physics as the WEF imposed government knows and they also know that they are pissing in the wind trying to stop it doing what it was always designed to do. As the T101 said Judgement Day cannot be stopped it can only be delayed and from where I am sitting it looks to me that time is up. Strange that in the UK a man called Enoch would say just as the T101 said but 20 years earlier and even stranger that he should be named after the writer of the Apocryphal book that tells us what comes next.
This reminds me....some years ago, our department's ambitious Millennial was tasked with ensuring I was doing my job properly (that's my interpretation, anyway -- a student had fled my class after I presented the proper and rather challenging objectives of a non-plagiarizing paraphrase). At lunch, Ambitious, Power-Hungry Millennial leaned across the table and intoned: WHAT I WANT IS EQUALITY.
My first thought was: What does that even mean, especially to someone who's pushing and networking and doing all she can to be in control of other people?
She then became the department "expert" on all that "offends" students these days, an absurd litany of anodyne statements and questions such as "Where are you from?" (Even more ludicrous because this is a university in NYC with about 65% international students). Everything she put forth hinged on subjective, narcissistic, opportunistic interpretations of -- again -- banal or even friendly questions.
She is now one of our union representatives. The faculty went on strike last fall, and one of the last sticking points was health care, the costs of which must be escalating due to encouraging students ON OUR SYLLABI to seek counseling for "gender dysphoria" -- and its host of cosmetic, pricey surgeries that we all absorb...thanks to "equality." Interestingly, the Boomers were able to analyze the school's position on the health care plan, see how it competed with the market, and explain why they might need that loophole to increase costs to employees by x percentage, given what it would cost THEM.
Resident ambitious millennial responded with a speech entirely hinged on emotions (I paraphrase): This strike has brought us all together, to get to know and love each other, to fight together for our rights, to feel the solidarity among us...."
Heart emojis blossomed from the chat.
No one clapped for those who were able to see the other side, and weigh the actual costs and benefits of the health care plan.
Very interesting. For all we can criticise them, the Boomers do retain a realism that is really lost to the Millennials - who are in for a terrible wake-up call eventually.
"It is clear they want us mixed into low-grade, low IQ human sludge, shorn of history, shorn of identity, incapable of opposing them, incapable of agency, incapable of autonomy, incapable of appreciating high culture, literally unrecognisable as the descendants of our ancestors. If that is not the conscious goal of today’s elite, they are doing very well at bringing it about by accident."
Apart from using the word elite (I prefer parasites), this paragraph should be reposted everywhere and shouted from the rooftops. As for the rest of the piece, a well thought out and watertight destruction of the equality doctrine that is destroying us like cancer Woes. I hope you expand on the racial equity doctrine later, which is more like Turbo cancer.
Racial equity breeds laziness, an ongoing debate I've been having with other Minorities - it's a fact. LBJ brought us the welfare queens, Biden is supplying military age illegal aliens who are welfare kings - cancers on the working middle class.
Good stuff, Woes. I've recently been reading up on the subject of Bio-Leninism and this seems to play into that somewhat. It all makes for interesting reading.
The victory of "Equality" was so total in Western Europe & the USA they had to replace it with "Equity" as a further frontier to arbitrate between groups who were already, in the old liberal sense, "equal under the law."
Of course this is just a consequence that equality is impossible as people are, and have never been, equal.
The self evident nature of reality is that inequality is not only natural but vital to human civilisation. The denial of this fact is only a feature of the last 100 years of history political -a mere moment in the thousands of years of history Europe has.
The white pill in all of this is cannot fight reality indefinitely.
Oh yes, the idea of "equality" always had a short expiration date. In another hundred years, if we're lucky, our period in history will be looked back on with amusement at just how bizarre these hardcore beliefs in equality really are.
I haven't read the book so can't comment unless you flesh out the question a bit more. If you're asking whether I dare to disagree with a prominent author (James Joyce), depending on what he believes, yes I certainly do.
I just noticed your blatant contradiction that you claim I lack intelligence if I disagree with James Joyce, yet you earlier said that you disagree with him about plenty. You should be embarrassed now, but I suspect you aren't bright enough for that. So I will reiterate my earlier request: fuck off.
Actually, yes, I can have it both ways. I can believe that Britain's empire improved certain countries without desiring mass immigration to Britain. Indeed, it would be rather contradictory to think that we can improve the lives of mud hut dwellers, and that mud hut dwellers can improve our lives by moving to Britain.
If anyone doubts that this is the case in the Age of DIE, they only need to look at the corrupt and incompetent DAs going after President Trump with endless bogus charges. Was it Time that wrote a piece last year (2022) about how this was the revenge of women of color against the white man? If not, it was some other big publication.
The Jolly Heretic recently focused on the West's competency decline.
Can I still be for liberte and fraternite please?
You did a pretty good axe job on egalite there though!
On to Part Deux
The military could not function without hierarchy. The most important hierarchy for Man to understand is that God if He exists is above humanity. For this reason, His laws in divine revelation are to be followed. His laws in the Torah even if only half followed have so far kept Jews in existence and apart from gentiles. His laws in the Koran should therefore protect gentiles against the degeneracy of feminism.
This is genius. By the way, we should psychoanalyse more and more our enemies. Nothing kills better than a vivisection.
“After the pursuit, he is full of resentment that his beautiful idea was rejected - by those who stood to gain by it (the poor, who are now “proven” to be stupid), and those who stood to lose by it (the rich, who are now “proven” to be evil), and those in-between who should have known better (his middle-class peers, who could have helped him in his crusade but didn’t, and are now “proven” to be cowardly).”
Thank you.
'The greatest statement of the Hierarchical conception in its
double reference to civil and cosmic life is, perhaps, the speech
of Ulysses in Shakespeare's Troilus. Its special importance lies
in its clear statement of the alternative to Hierarchy. If you
take 'Degree' away 'each thing meets in mere oppugnancy',
'strength' will be lord, everything will 'include itself in power'.
In other words, the modern idea that we can choose between
Hierarchy and equality is, for Shakespeare's Ulysses, mere
moonshine. The real alternative is tyranny; if you will not have
authority you will find yourself obeying brute force.'
From Chapter XI of C S Lewis' 'A Preface to Paradise Lost'
equality' seems to have first reared it's head with christianity no? 'everyone is equal in the eyes of 'god'.' i can remember saying to John Lamb Lash one day that the early christians were the first communists... before this, the concept of human equality does not exist as far as i can ascertain... to me it seems apparant that the origin of the concept of human equality is in fact the origin of the concept of 'the rest of humanity, but not us' equality... and as you say, totally unnatural... but given that the source of this ideology is essentially the Dead Sea... which is the most 'lacking in natural life' part of this glorious planet, is this such a surprise?
When religion or god-believers or Christians say we are all equal, they could mean that we are all subject to the same laws of nature, not that we are all equally intelligent or deserving of good things.
We will certainly not all be equal when we are judged. I think a major part of our problems is down to an affluent society that prevents anyone from facing the consequences of their actions, see for instance the new anti-obesity drugs.
While you are absolutely correct about our affluence shielding us from the consequences of our actions, I am not sure that anti-obesity drugs are the best example. The "side" effects are terrible.
Fair enough, there are various other methods to control related illnesses such as diabetes type 2 for example. The point is that these diseases are reversible through diet and exercise but the patients choose not to do it. Therefore those who maintain their health as best they can and are able to work are forced to pay for those who do and did not.
I cannot disagree with you. Technological medicine is keeping people alive, pulling very sick people through, who then go on to reproduce (most of them). This would explain every generation being weaker and more sickly than the previous one.
Until maybe 90 years ago, acute illnesses took (killed) the weakest and so, for a period, we were a strong people. Now, most of us are walking disasters with some form of degenerative illness, even (and especially) young people. These young people, by the time they finish high school, have had about 72 doses of vaccines. They now give a Hep B shot to all newborns in the hospital. And don't get me started on the Kill Shot.
I find this matter very difficult. On the one hand there is the desire on the Left to kill children in the womb which almost deranges them in their desire to do so. I remember when abortion was legalised in some South American country recently there was a group of women who 'celebrated' the decision in the street, coated in paint, naked to the waist, screaming and wailing. It was utterly inhuman and animal. On the other hand we keep people alive who would otherwise have not survived either medically or because they were useless. They are then able to have kids: the particular example would be the terminally thick council-estate tart who has multicoloured kids and no man in the house for longer than a year or two. The children grow up and promptly breed themselves. The productive are then left to pay for their dole, 'education' and medical treatment. They are a dead weight and nothing else.
the joy of this subject MW has hit upon here... it's intriguing and addictive... i just got out of the shower, during which I pondered it some more... and maybe the heart of the matter is that natural hierarchy is also ultimately ephemeral... as is beauty, as is everything natural... and this is the average human animal's weak point... 'time'... any concept of 'equality'... any attempt at installing an unnatural hierarchy (monarchies, bloodlines, religious orders, political ,orders, whatever)... is nothing more or less than the age old human desire to control/slow/stop 'time'... ? I have to flesh this out a bit but my rigpa says i'm onto the right bone here... gotta go to work... it's time
a female reacts to the moon's cycles differently to a male... and each individual female differently to the other... i will react to 35° centigrade totally differently to my two sons, who react totally differently to each other... if a group of 5 blokes fall into 4° water, one might survive and 4 die... all religious people are doing is replacing Nature with god... read Sheperd on this... "Nature and Madness"... replacing a true natural hierarchy that is beyond their understanding because it takes total ego loss to understand, with an unnatural hierarchy (priests, rabbis, lamas, popes, the sanhedrin etc.) which is easier to understand... and beneath that unnatural hierarchy, and ultimately 'god' 'all are equal'....
we are all subject to the laws of nature... that's an unavoidable given, but there is nothing equal about that... nothing at all... the laws of nature are unequal... that is their 'nature'... that is Nature... and so subjects to the laws of nature are, by definition, not equal
"It is not within everyone's ability to understand the world's intellectual heritage at the same level, any more than everyone who enters college can expect to be a theoretical physicist by trying hard enough. At every stage of learning, some people reach their limits." --R. J. Herrnstein, and C. Murray
The weak and useless always want equality which is why they vote for it to the detriment of those who produce and then those who produce are enslaved so that they produce more and more as the protected classes multiply and do less and less whilst voting themselves more and more of the cake they had nothing to do with producing. Animal farm tells the tale of today far more succinctly than 1984 does.
As the Greeks knew the only way to avoid this in a democracy is to have representatives chosen by lot for specific short periods and not by self-serving voters putting self-serving alleged criminals in place for decades as we have seen all too well in Scotland these last 20 years.
The race wars in this country and all across the West are inevitable now as the WEF imposed governments know only too well which is why they massively overreact to anyone who seems to be a seed for the crystalisation process to begin. And every time they stop it happening by clamping down on that individual they make it more and more inevitable as the saturated solution becomes evermore saturated and they wake more and more people up to their ongoing criminality, a two edged sword.
Russell Brand is only the latest in a long line of people like Icke, Robinson, Hopkins, Woes, etc etc etc that need to be clamped down on lest they start people thinking for themselves about anything at all, even what to feed the hamster for breakfast, that could lead them to wondering why their local hospital or council office looks like it is based in Bangladesh or Syria rather than the West.
Supersaturation effects are simple physics as the WEF imposed government knows and they also know that they are pissing in the wind trying to stop it doing what it was always designed to do. As the T101 said Judgement Day cannot be stopped it can only be delayed and from where I am sitting it looks to me that time is up. Strange that in the UK a man called Enoch would say just as the T101 said but 20 years earlier and even stranger that he should be named after the writer of the Apocryphal book that tells us what comes next.
The book of Enoch has no chapter 11, 36 or 101, all these are missing. I wonder what was in them.
This reminds me....some years ago, our department's ambitious Millennial was tasked with ensuring I was doing my job properly (that's my interpretation, anyway -- a student had fled my class after I presented the proper and rather challenging objectives of a non-plagiarizing paraphrase). At lunch, Ambitious, Power-Hungry Millennial leaned across the table and intoned: WHAT I WANT IS EQUALITY.
My first thought was: What does that even mean, especially to someone who's pushing and networking and doing all she can to be in control of other people?
She then became the department "expert" on all that "offends" students these days, an absurd litany of anodyne statements and questions such as "Where are you from?" (Even more ludicrous because this is a university in NYC with about 65% international students). Everything she put forth hinged on subjective, narcissistic, opportunistic interpretations of -- again -- banal or even friendly questions.
She is now one of our union representatives. The faculty went on strike last fall, and one of the last sticking points was health care, the costs of which must be escalating due to encouraging students ON OUR SYLLABI to seek counseling for "gender dysphoria" -- and its host of cosmetic, pricey surgeries that we all absorb...thanks to "equality." Interestingly, the Boomers were able to analyze the school's position on the health care plan, see how it competed with the market, and explain why they might need that loophole to increase costs to employees by x percentage, given what it would cost THEM.
Resident ambitious millennial responded with a speech entirely hinged on emotions (I paraphrase): This strike has brought us all together, to get to know and love each other, to fight together for our rights, to feel the solidarity among us...."
Heart emojis blossomed from the chat.
No one clapped for those who were able to see the other side, and weigh the actual costs and benefits of the health care plan.
Very interesting. For all we can criticise them, the Boomers do retain a realism that is really lost to the Millennials - who are in for a terrible wake-up call eventually.
"It is clear they want us mixed into low-grade, low IQ human sludge, shorn of history, shorn of identity, incapable of opposing them, incapable of agency, incapable of autonomy, incapable of appreciating high culture, literally unrecognisable as the descendants of our ancestors. If that is not the conscious goal of today’s elite, they are doing very well at bringing it about by accident."
Apart from using the word elite (I prefer parasites), this paragraph should be reposted everywhere and shouted from the rooftops. As for the rest of the piece, a well thought out and watertight destruction of the equality doctrine that is destroying us like cancer Woes. I hope you expand on the racial equity doctrine later, which is more like Turbo cancer.
Racial equity breeds laziness, an ongoing debate I've been having with other Minorities - it's a fact. LBJ brought us the welfare queens, Biden is supplying military age illegal aliens who are welfare kings - cancers on the working middle class.
Good stuff, Woes. I've recently been reading up on the subject of Bio-Leninism and this seems to play into that somewhat. It all makes for interesting reading.
The victory of "Equality" was so total in Western Europe & the USA they had to replace it with "Equity" as a further frontier to arbitrate between groups who were already, in the old liberal sense, "equal under the law."
Of course this is just a consequence that equality is impossible as people are, and have never been, equal.
The self evident nature of reality is that inequality is not only natural but vital to human civilisation. The denial of this fact is only a feature of the last 100 years of history political -a mere moment in the thousands of years of history Europe has.
The white pill in all of this is cannot fight reality indefinitely.
Oh yes, the idea of "equality" always had a short expiration date. In another hundred years, if we're lucky, our period in history will be looked back on with amusement at just how bizarre these hardcore beliefs in equality really are.
I assume you've read Screwtape Proposes A Toast?
Actually no. I have read excerpts from the Letters, though.
Great minds!
I haven't read the book so can't comment unless you flesh out the question a bit more. If you're asking whether I dare to disagree with a prominent author (James Joyce), depending on what he believes, yes I certainly do.
I just noticed your blatant contradiction that you claim I lack intelligence if I disagree with James Joyce, yet you earlier said that you disagree with him about plenty. You should be embarrassed now, but I suspect you aren't bright enough for that. So I will reiterate my earlier request: fuck off.
Actually, yes, I can have it both ways. I can believe that Britain's empire improved certain countries without desiring mass immigration to Britain. Indeed, it would be rather contradictory to think that we can improve the lives of mud hut dwellers, and that mud hut dwellers can improve our lives by moving to Britain.
Illiterate? LOL At least make your insults convincing. Now, fuck off.