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Jun 20, 2023
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I certainly agree that the Holocaust has replaced Christianity, but don't you think those ideas are perennial, and are just mental furniture that we need to have, in one form or another?

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Feminists for 5 decades - "Men and women are identical in every way except that women can do everything better than men."

Trans Activists for 5 Minutes - "Men in dresses are identical to women in every way except men in dresses can do everything better than women."

TERFS for 5 Minutes - " How can these dangerous misogynistic men have arrived at such a deranged idea?"

It is called Karma and the only way to end the lies of the tiny number of men in dresses about what a woman is is for the huge numbers of women who are feminists to end their non-stop lies about what a man is.

Can JK Rowling for example denounce the lies she has been pushing on behalf of the mental derangement that is feminism for decades?

Nah, .... I doubt she is "man" enough to admit she was wrong and that feminist derangement syndrome with its inherent misandry is at the root of 99% of today's exploding numbers of derangement syndromes of all types.

If she and her fellow travellers were willing to believe one set of lies why are they unwilling to believe them all? Because for once they are on the receiving end of it? Probably. It used to be called stinking hypocrisy ...... and where I come from it still is.

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Agreed, Woes. The GCs are a very good example of what Containment looks like. The Regime knows that there is inevitably going to be at least SOME pushback to what they're creating, so they allow certain people to be critical of it while not being TOO critical of it and not reaching conclusions that point to the actual problems.

Every GC you listed is exactly that. It's every "Back the Blue" MAGA type and every TikTok ho LARPing as a tradwife while showing off her tits in a low cut dress.

It is Ben Shapiro and Fox News and Triggernometry. Anything to keep people who would otherwise be "dissidents" from being ACTUAL dissidents and start to rethink liberal democracy and the boomer truth regime.

In my latest essay I talk about my trip to Spain and mention how ANY aspect of Franco is simply missing. His statues removed, the museums ignoring him, etc.

I theorize that instead of having plaques everywhere around Madrid telling the people what a naughty man he was the regime decided to ignore him completely

Why? Because people might start talking about him and having debates. Those debates might include things like Spain's economic rebound under him, or his support of the Church and strong families and strong communities. This might resonate with people living in the effeminate, atomized clown world we find ourselves in

And we CAN NOT have people thinking LIKE THAT.

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Fascinating. People who truly believe that they have been brave and edgy rebels, while indulged and pampered every step of the way, are now inadvertantly finding themselves as actual rebels. And experiencing bewilderment and an utter lack of comprehension as they experience a tiny slice of actual adversity. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people......

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Very impressive essay! You definitely get it.

I share your vexation.

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All so tiresome, all so dishonest and cowardly. I do get bored of the endless charades, the endless fake opposition, the endless misunderstandings and liars. The entire thing is a quagmire, the wheels of dissent just spinning in the mud of the regime whilst the real opposition is silenced and sidelined. I joined the movement in 2016 expecting something more akin to ww1 or ww2 (not literally obviously). An honest “gun battle” with clearly defined “lines” enemies and goals but what I eventually found was more like Vietnam, a dragged out quagmire where the fighting is dishonest trickery and guerrilla warfare against a seeming omnipresent enemy. No one quite seems to know what to do and these idiots you described in the essay seem to think they are fighting an honest enemy whilst having no idea that there are no rules and no dirty trick that the regime won’t indulge in if it means victory. What I mean to say is they take democracy seriously, and until these”rebels” don’t, they are going no where.

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You truly have no idea what you are talking about. Janice Raymond published the actual book on this in 1979. Sheila Jeffreys has been on about it since the 1980s.

Hilarious to see you accuse others of being ill read and capable only of temporally shallow analysis and dismissing the "old ladies" as not getting it! Germaine Greer has been brilliant on this for years, it's YOU who have not paid attention.

"As I said, these are people without much curiosity. But perhaps another explanation for their myopia is their age. Some of them are Millennials in their thirties, but none are Zoomers in their twenties, and most are Gen X or Boomer, in their forties, fifties and sixties. A few, like Germaine Greer, are even older, but really too old to grasp what is going on. "

go read more, young whippersnapper

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I actually do know this. For example, I read Greer's The Whole Woman in 1999/2000, in which she rails against transgenderism. And I reiterate, I think Greer is too old to understand what is going on, and the same goes for Jeffreys and Raymond: they were used as patsies to advance feminism until it was no longer useful.

None of what you have condescendingly said actually refutes anything in the essay. Please don't waste my time.

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It was always about buggering children anyway, don’t you agree?

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Male dominant social orders? Yes they do always get around to that. It is definitely not a thing women are into.

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Are you a feminist?

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Musical chairs. These types have always been adroit at sensing when the music is about to stop. But we're living in crazy times, many will be caught out.

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Another excellent essay, and right on the money as usual. I hope you're collecting material for an eventual paperback, because you're an excellent writer and I'd love to have a physical manifestation of your thoughts to hand down some day.

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It’s easy enough to sniff out the unrepentant redemption seekers by saying inflammatory things to trigger them, like “It was always about buggering children anyway, don’t you agree?”

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This should be saved for posterity. You just put into words what was in the air.

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They think Trans is an aberration that is a step too far. They don't realize that it is a natural consequence of the original aberrational sin: liberal-democracy/leftism itself. I would say, "multi-culturism", but that word like every word the Left uses is an inversion of what it really is. We must stop using that word. It is really a mono-culture. To be most precise, it is a mono-non-culture or a mono-submissive-existence.

Look at what they call multi-culturalism. It is really racial substitution. They place negroids in the story that Europids wrote through their actions. It is white/European erasure. Because underneath it all it is conquest.

It is a project of the ethnic conquest of white people - the colonization of our homelands, the erasure of us in our culture the process of which prevents the racial substitutes from being little more than tools of evil, and ultimately our erasure via a sick and perverse genocide of dispossession and miscegination.

As malevolent as this all is, there is a silver lining. If some of us, can find some GCs and connect the dots from Trans to deconstruction or destruction of white children to the slow burn ethnic cleansing of mass immigration to the openly stated aims of the replacement/genocide planners they will become our most powerful advocates. I believe the GC-ers have not lost their souls. There is a good chance they just simply are fully ignorant of how badly they were seduced by the false morality of post-modern liberalism.

When a person with good intentions and real compassion sees pure evil they become the most passionate forces of opposition to it. There is a great opportunity to find even one then five then 20 of them to be lead to the truth. I am sure the clever among us can get to work on that.

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Another excellent article. I really liked the analogy with "transphobic" and "racist". The avg. quality of MW substack articles is extremely high.

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Thank you.

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