The Muslim Rape Gang Epidemic
On the absolute failure of race-blind rules-based civic nationalism
The recent publicising of Britain’s Muslim rape gang epidemic has shocked the world. I have been shocked by it since August 2014, when the Rotherham report was published and laid bare the full scale of this epidemic in one town alone. I began making a video series about it but was soon overwhelmed by the scope of the project, which reflected the scope of the scandal.
It is a uniquely horrifying news story. But it is not merely a news story, and nor is it finished, in the past, as some American commentators have ignorantly stated. It is on-going, and it is a shame upon Britain to rival surely anything else in its history. I believe the rape gang epidemic is the most significant thing to happen to Britain since World War II.
It signifies two appalling things:
Enormous numbers of Muslim (typically Pakistani) men have been raping enormous numbers of White English girls, as young as 11, for decades. This fact alone destroys the myth of the multicultural nation, the benefits of diversity, the equality of Mankind, and the idea that people can, or ever should, be race-blind.
The civic, legal, cultural and political systems of Britain colluded to hide this on-going mass crime. In so doing, they condemned yet more thousands of native girls to be raped, debased their offices and the nation itself, and humiliated those girls as well as their families and communities.
To say that “those responsible should be held to account” is as futile as saying that every soldier on a battlefield should be held to account for every bullet fired. You would do better to look for those few individuals who are not culpable. This is a society at war with itself. More specifically, it is an ethnic group (the native English) that has been made to destroy itself, with the middle led into throwing the lower to the wolves, to suffer gut-wrenching pain, misery and degradation.
These words are dramatic but they are not hyperbolic. If you doubt the gravity of what we are discussing, it is time to grow up, to accept that there really is evil in the world, that it is all around us, and that it is funded and enabled and encouraged from the very top of society.
Take the example of Matt Collins, a researcher for the very moneyed “anti-fascist” organisation Hope Not Hate. In 2013 he wrote a hit-piece about a working-class woman named Karen Downes. Collins dug into her private life to find dirt with which he could smear her character. Why? Because she had begun working with the BNP, since the mainstream political parties showed no interest in the rape gang epidemic. What was Karen’s interest in this? A decade earlier, her 14 year-old daughter was raped by Muslim men (possibly up to 100 of them) before, in all likelihood, being murdered and her body minced up and sold as kebab meat. Twenty years on, her body has still never been found, but two Muslim men were recorded joking about having disposed of her in this manner. They were each awarded £250,000 in compensation when their trial collapsed due to the evidence collected by a police force described as “hampered by political correctness”. Karen, broken-hearted by all of this, eventually turned to the BNP, so Matt Collins saw fit to vilify, mock and belittle her. It didn’t matter that she had suffered the horrific abuse and loss of her daughter and then disinterest from the British state; Collins had to ensure that the public would despise her for collaborating with the BNP - the only organisation that cared. Collins did his smearing as a key employee of Hope Not Hate, which is connected to and funded by the British government and trusted implicitly by the BBC.
It is tempting to utterly despise Matt Collins, along with the vermin who employ him and okayed his hit-piece and still carry it on their website eleven years later. But it must be remembered that Collins is just one cog among thousands. The media, the government, the judiciary, the whole culture-making apparatus of Great Britain today is filled with people just like him. And that is why thousands of working-class girls get raped. Every police officer, every social worker, every school teacher knows, if they dare to raise the alarm about what is happening to local girls, they could be the next target for Matt Collins or some other state-backed scum just like him, and have their lives destroyed. In such a perverse context, it becomes the done thing never to do the right thing.
The problem of Muslim men raping native English girls goes back, not merely to the 2000s, but certainly to the 1970s and probably to the 1950s, to the very beginning of mass immigration. As soon as they were here in more than negligible numbers, they were doing this - to Sikh girls and, much more, to White girls.
From the 1950s through to the 2000s, the British state decreed that we should all be “race-blind”. It first encouraged this of its (native) people, then demanded it, and eventually legally required it.
To be race-blind is to assume three things:
1) foreigners are the same as us, and therefore aren’t more or less likely to harm one of ours than we are
2) foreigners are also race-blind, like us, and therefore won’t allow their co-ethnics to harm us
3) when we accuse a foreigner of harming us, his co-ethnics will react as dispassionate individuals, not as an inflamed group
Each of these assumptions is suicidally naive. They set the English up, inexorably, for what went on to happen to them and their daughters and grand-daughters.
We are now six decades into “the multicultural experiment” and its dire consequences are clear, and are only going to worsen for Whites as Muslims increase in number and influence in England. (The skeptic might ask for proof of such a bold claim. I would ask how Muslims could possibly get less daring as they grow in number and influence. Common sense tells us what is obviously going to happen here. Ignore it at your daughter’s peril.)
So the question is, what can be done about the situation?
It could have been dealt with much more easily in the 1950s, or even the 1970s, when the numbers of non-whites in England were much smaller than today. They could have been made, through means legal or illegal but certainly fairly humane, to obey the law. But the law intervened and prevented the native English from doing that. Today, given the numbers involved and the social and political pressure that such numbers can muster, such action is no longer possible.
The naive would say that we should redouble our efforts to persuade Muslims not to gang-rape our young girls, by teaching them about respect, equality, human rights, etc. Let us leave that suggestion for morons to ponder. I want to be realistic.
If we react as our ancestors would certainly have reacted, it would be a blood bath - on both sides. Nobody wants that. But if we persist with the current modus operandi, of race-blind rules-based civic nationalism, we should expect the raping to continue. What’s more, as Pakistanis take up more and more positions within the police, social services, education, judiciary, politics and media, they will naturally become more and more brazen about protecting and advancing their ethnic group. This will result in the raping of young English girls not merely continuing, but greatly increasing. Maybe you think that is a hideous and racist thing to say, but to expect any other result is to ignore the realities of group dynamics. Those dynamics have been shown to us in brutal clarity over these six decades of multiculturalism. It is time to wake up.
Groups naturally work against each other, as rivals, and individuals within groups naturally act in accordance with that imperative. This is human nature, mammalian nature, all nature. In the early years of mass immigration, this problem reared its head with White English people uncouthly objecting to the foreigners now in their midst. But means were available to persuade them to “turn race-blind”, to stop caring about race, to stop even seeing race (or rather, to pretend not to see it), and to treat everyone as an individual. This was the equivalent of a country giving up its nuclear weapons in the hope that its rivals will do the same. But other groups didn’t do the same. Why not?
Initially, because they were tiny minorities and needed to stick together for security.
Later, because they were large minorities who had much to gain by sticking together.
Now, because, in many towns, they are no longer minorities at all and therefore have no reason to forsake their group identities, and nothing to gain from doing so. Indeed, it would only harm them by reducing them to the “atomised individual” status endured by the White English around them. They can see how vulnerable and helpless that makes the White English; why would they accept the same for themselves?
Today, stopping the Muslims from gang-raping, while allowing large numbers of them to stay in England, would depend on persuading these many individuals to stop feeling a primary loyalty to their ethnic group. Well, we’ve been trying that for 60 years, and, as the above shows, it was never going to happen. In fact, it was - and is - only going to get harder with every passing year.
What’s more, to even attempt it now, we Whites would first have to overcome a second dynamic that has played out over the same time period, operating on us, and emanating from the British state and media (“the regime”):
Having lied to us that mass immigration would only ever be in tiny numbers, the regime browbeat us for any acts of resistance to it (“racism”)
It created laws to punish people for saying or doing “racist” things, laws which were exerted upon us far more than the minorities
It empowered minorities to advocate in their own interests against our “racism”
It rewarded minorities for complaining about us
As we became less and less “racist”, the regime browbeat us more and more for being “racist” (now we’re at the stage of “unconscious microaggressions”)
It conditioned our young to accept and actually celebrate their dispossession (“diversity is our strength”) but simultaneously to believe that they aren’t being dispossessed at all, since “Britain has always been multicultural” and “diversity built Britain”
It created an understanding that White people “owe” non-white people - whether for slavery, Jim Crow, the British Empire, or 1950s racism - while they owe us absolutely nothing. Indeed, we should be grateful that they deign to live in our country
It undermined our right to our homeland (“Cheddar Man”) and even our claim to exist as an ethnic group - thus, there was nothing for us to belong to or defend
It encouraged a guilt complex in White people about being racist, so that they would assume themselves to be so even if they were not
It established an assumption that White people are to blame for pretty much anything that goes wrong. That sounds cartoonish but it is effectively the mantra of today. In any bad situation involving non-whites, the first assumption made by Whites is that they, not the non-whites, are probably to blame - and even if they don’t think so, someone higher up the chain might, so it’s in their interests to kowtow to the non-whites sooner rather than later.
This, combined with the specific demonisation of the police force as “institutionally racist”, is the witch’s brew that resulted - inevitably - in the Muslim rape gang epidemic. Even in 2023, a decade after the extent of it was known, the regime was crowing that Manchester police, who have facilitated the epidemic, are nevertheless “institutionally racist”.
In short, White people’s group identity has been very thoroughly deconstructed, while the group identities of the foreigners in their midst have been actively encouraged, and White people’s ability and willingness to comment on that, or to any wrongdoing on the part of non-whites, have been eroded. This has been so thoroughly achieved that, even when White people gasp in horror at the revelations about the Muslim rape gang epidemic, they rush to insist that, though horrified by what these brown men have done, they are not racist against them. It is like a wolf that has been turned into a poodle.
This spiritual, psychological, social, cultural, legal and political weakening of White people is how Pakistanis were able to freely prey on the White girls of Rotherham when they, the Pakistanis, were only a tiny minority (about 3%) of the town’s population.
My favourite analogy of group dynamics was proffered by Stefan Molyneux. Imagine a football match where one team passes the ball only to its own members, while the other team passes it to any players, regardless of team membership. Obviously, the former team will win and the latter will lose - every time. Race-blindness demands the same behaviour in society at large. Each individual is expected to ignore group membership of all other individuals and to interact with them without prejudice or favour. The result? White people watch their girls get gang-raped by non-whites.
You can say, “it doesn’t have to be like that. When an individual breaks a rule, we can punish him”, but that is to ignore that his co-ethnics will (and do) rally around to protect him. Groups easily defeat atomised individuals. They will threaten or use violence, orchestrated formal complaints, legal attack, and media vilification - and then you have a disaster on your hands that could ruin your life. You and your colleagues might think “if we persist, eventually principles will intervene and make these people see sense” but they are not interested in principles or in seeing sense, only in protecting their group from outside attack, even if one of its members has done wrong. For them, “justice” is the well-being of their group, not an abstraction based on principles.
If you need proof of this, just look at how the Pakistani community protects its members who rape English girls. There have been reports of Pakistani police officers leaking information to rapists, enabling them to intimidate their child victims into silence. There have even been cases of Pakistani police officers committing the crime themselves. When a White girl goes to a police station to report that she has been raped by Mohammed 1, and she is met by Desk Sergeant Mohammed 2, what chance does she have? The sergeant will legitimately fear that, if he doesn’t cover things up, he will face ugly reprisal from his community. They will not see that he has served some higher principle, only that he has betrayed his group: he is a traitor. This is why it is insane for us to be pushing for more Muslims to join our police forces - we are literally heaping up our own funeral pyre.
But what we have in the case of the rape gang epidemic is actually worse than that. The White team does not pass the ball indiscriminately, it actually favours passing it to the Pakistani team. That is to say, the Whites help the Pakistanis at the expense of their own group:
White police officers “lose” evidence
White police officers decide not to investigate
White police officers arrest raped White girls and leave their Muslim rapists alone
White police officers arrest concerned White fathers
White police officers fail to record the ethnicity of rapists, so that statistics will be skewed and their force won’t get accused of racism
White social workers accuse White girls of lying
White social workers let White girls be picked up from care homes by Muslim men
White politicians incentivise these behaviours
White media producers make drama and documentary about a (vanishingly rare) false allegation story, clearly implying that this is the norm and that the whole epidemic is mostly “fake news”
White Wikipedia editors categorise the epidemic as a “moral panic”
White journalists do everything they possibly can to minimise, obfuscate, blame-shift, distort and outright lie about what is happening
White academics help them to do so
A White Prime Minister declares that people who complain about all of this are “racists” who are “spreading lies and misinformation”, “are not interested in the victims”, and are “jumping on the bandwagon simply to get attention” by amplifying “the far-right”.
The White English are a group wilfully destroying itself in service to another group. It does so because of the overwhelming, career-ending and life-wrecking threat of being accused of racism.
The civic nationalist response to this is to call to do away with the threat of racism accusations, and to restore the dispassionate rules-based order. We must all become race-blind again, and neither injure nor favour our own group nor any foreign group, but instead treat everyone as individuals, all of whom are subject to “the rules”. This is utterly futile.
There is no question of doing away with the threat of racism accusations, because that would require doing away with the bogeyman of racism, which would require entirely overturning the moral order of the West since 1945. To preserve that requires believing that racism is evil, which requires punishing people for racism, which unavoidably means that the accusation of racism will be enough to sway ordinary people to do almost anything to avoid it - even looking the other way when 11 year-old girls are gang-raped. In short, the post-war moral order makes it inevitable that, if brown men are present in sufficient numbers, you will let them away with gang-raping your girls. To do otherwise would mean violating the core tenets we have sworn by since 1945.
There is no question of becoming race-blind again. Nobody is actually race-blind. We Whites can feign it - most of us desperately try to - and the consequence has been mass rape of our girls by other groups who steadfastly refuse to feign it. When they see a White English girl in a vulnerable situation, they see an alien who is fit to be raped - and why not, when her group will not rally around and punish them for doing so? When it will even help them to get away with it?
Whether Muslim men rape White girls for reasons of race or religion is a question that could puzzle us if we let it. I suggest that we don’t. It is not up to us to decipher the motivations of foreigners who, by rights, should be adopting our moral order and our legal code. It is their responsibility, not ours, to overcome any problems they face in aligning with us. I also think the race/religion question is one that cannot really be answered, even by them. My quarrel is not so much with Islam as a religion, as with its adherents who defile my group or help their co-ethnics to do so. I have absolutely no interest in poring over Islamic scripture to try to work out whether or not it endorses this crime. That should not be our problem, and it is certainly not our duty. Our only duty is to prevent the crime and punish those guilty of it.
Now we come to the problems of punishment.
When a White victimises a non-White, the racial disparity is nearly always seen as an exacerbating factor in sentencing, sometimes even as a separate crime in itself. But when brown men victimise (in the worst possible way) White girls, the racial disparity is ignored. It embarrasses us Whites to think that we might “play victim” like that, “play the race card”, and unfairly demonise a rapist as a racist.
The Left even taunt the Right about this matter, sarcastically asking “are brown rapists worse than White rapists?” The answer is yes, in inter-racial cases, for the same reason that the Left would insist that an inter-racial crime by a White person is worse. A Muslim rape of a White girl constitutes not just a sexual attack upon that individual, but a racial attack upon her group.
Another problem with punishing the men responsible is the immense difficulty in proving a sexual crime, especially years or decades after the fact. Realistically, the vast majority of the thousands of men guilty of inter-racial sex predation on young White girls will never be punished.
A third problem with punishing is that, even when one can prove a Muslim man guilty of this crime, it is not just he who is guilty but also all the people - friends, relatives, colleagues - who knew what he was doing but did nothing to stop him, or even facilitated him in some way. How can one prove their guilt? Realistically, one can’t, and therefore many thousands of Muslims will never be punished for colluding in the rape of White English girls. We Whites are going to have to “just live with that” - and frankly it is outrageous for the British state to impose this humiliation on us.
Of course, Muslims can use the defence that it is irrational to blame an entire ethnic group for the crimes of some if its members. This doesn’t actually hold water, for the reasons given above, but leaving that aside… why shouldn’t White people impose collective guilt on a community, when every single day we are made to feel collective guilt for the actions of our ancestors? Of course no White person today is technically “blamed” for the British Empire or the Atlantic Slave Trade or the Holocaust, but we are systematically forced to associate ourselves with those things, feel guilty for them, atone for them, and consider ourselves stained with an Original Sin of racism. Our very genes condemn us, apparently, and our atonement must be lifelong. This notion is baked into our culture, our art, our education system. So, if we are collectively culpable for things that our ancestors did centuries ago, why aren’t Pakistanis collectively culpable for things that their relatives and friends did just a few days ago? I’m not saying that they are, incidentally, just that the disparity here is glaring. It is clear that White people have not only been saddled with hordes of hostile foreigners, but have also been stripped of any ability to defend themselves against them.
One solution might be for us all to race-mix until there are no groups any more, and therefore no inter-ethnic predation between them. But why should English people want to mix themselves into a group that is so profoundly different from them? A group that is, demonstrably, capable of such monstrous depravity? Would it be in any way an “upgrade” for the English? Of course not.
The next resort is to call for “an inquiry”. A great big inquiry to get to the bottom of things and work out what exactly went wrong here. People would prefer it be done at the very highest level, the government. But the government has been well aware of this problem for decades and has done nothing, and has even covered it up. Why trust it now, when the stakes are so much higher than in 1995? And, even if the government somehow could be trusted, what would its inquiry find? Only what we already know:
foreigners are mass raping our girls, and they are doing so because our morality prevents us from stopping them
Calling for an inquiry is just a way to hand a collective moral duty over to bureaucracy in the hope that it will somehow solve the problem by gathering facts which we, in our bones, already know. It is a means to delay doing what must be done, because we are all terrified of doing it.
What must be done:
Total and permanent end to immigration from Pakistan.
Total and permanent end to immigration of Pakistanis via any other country (this requires racial categorisation, which requires an acceptance of racial categories - it would be an explicitly “racist” policy).
“Neighbourhood Watch” style teams, made up entirely of White people, stationed around grooming hot-spots and authorised to take whatever action is necessary to stop Muslim men picking up underage White girls. These teams should be led by specially-trained men, maybe ex army. Any Muslim who complains about them should be immediately deported. Any journalist who works to undermine them should be tried for sedition.
All police forces with a record of turning a blind eye to the crime should have their upper echelons replaced, wholesale.
All police officers should be required to swear an oath to protect the native English above all other priorities. Any police officer who refuses to do so should be fired.
Examinations of all acquittals of Muslims tried in the past for this crime. The law of statutory rape must be enforced, retroactively, on all of these cases. Any judge found to have been too lenient should be disbarred and, if possible, tried for criminal negligence.
Deportation of all men found guilty, along with all of their relatives.
Encouraging and facilitating remigration of Muslims back to their ancestral homelands, even if they were born in England. (To simplify this task, I would say those aged over 40 can stay and live out their lives here, since they won’t reproduce and are unlikely to cause trouble.)
Rehabilitation of the belief that race is a real thing and the different races of mankind are, indeed, different.
Promotion of the belief that one should value and protect one’s ethnic group, and new standards in civic institutions to this effect, with treachery to one’s ethnic group seen as a disgrace and a sacking offence.
Primacy of the native English in the laws and culture of England.
Investigations into the corruption at every newspaper, every social services office, every police force, and every government department which facilitated the mass rape of English girls. Anyone found culpable must face historic consequences.
A new understanding that a foreigner does not become English simply by living or even being born in England, but that he is - and will always remain - foreign. This does not mean we should be cruel to him, just that we should always be aware he is not “of us”.
Until we have the stomach and the resolve for such actions, an inquiry into what happened is a waste of time and money. And we have already wasted enough time and money on diversity, with the results as appalling as the world has recently learned.
Nothing will change until we change.
I am not saying that we should be cruel - or blithely “racist” - to non-white people. But I am saying that we must get over the taboos surrounding race. It is a real thing, it does have consequences, it does (demonstrably) make groups differ in their behaviour, and it does set them against each other (eg. many Pakistani men and their relatives against us and our daughters). This is the reality. It is ugly. You don’t like it and neither do I, but to continue denying it is to send our children and grandchildren into the most horrific future imaginable.
I would also suggest withdrawing all welfare benefits from those who come here and no state support of any Muslim charity, mosque or school. We should ban the building (or conversion of a building) of mosques. Also no funding of interpreters, and a rigorous enforcement of the law against cousin marriage. I would like to see mass deportations of all the people related to those men who are currently, or have been, imprisoned for these crimes, along, of course with the perpetrators themselves, going back to the time of the original crime with no statute of limitations. No appeals, no wasting money on ‘defence lawyers’. I would also propose a boycott of all Muslim businesses - forego those (largely awful) takeaways and curry restaurants, the corner shops, etc.. We must stop funding these people, without funds they will go home. The U.K. is not their home, they are very unwelcome spongers.
Another potent justice-seeking jeremiad against this "multi-cultural" tyranny. The salient point is that other races are NOT open to other races like white people generally are, and I (like you) have endured more than my fill of the Useful Idiot whites gleefully condemning other whites for pointing out this fact.
My theory as to WHY whites are generally more open to other races is due to these two (and more) factors:
Whites traveled around the world exploring in ways that other races did not. They were generally curious about other cultures and places in the world that other races apparently were not.
Whites are the only race that is inherently diverse in its appearance, i.e. various hair and eye colors, which affects our perceptions; all other races are uniform in terms of hair and eye color, apart from their blatant internal racisms against those of darker or lighter skin tones.
Your proposal as to how to stop what amounts to a two-tiered justice system, forged out of empathy for a problem that ostensibly does not exist -- the assumption that whites are the racists and the other races are not -- is so spot on. In other words, we need to recognize, and be allowed to state directly that whites ARE the more open race. The assumptions need to be turned around.
In Paris in the 80s, if I had a dime for every Moroccan who felt me up in passing on the sidewalk. I recall mentioning this in the teacher's room at work, and suffering that useful idiot tension that implies one should never repeat this FACT. Meanwhile the biddies are all over 'rape culture' and 'white men bad' while turning a blind eye to the obvious danger. After the useful idiots left the room, an older teacher whose native language is Arabic told me how when she was in the Peace Core, it sickened her to overhear what was being said about white women by Arabic men.
There is also the obvious fact that if whites continue to produce so few humans, that Muslims will take over Europe. My stating that patriarchal societies will rule and will be the only societies to survive caused so much pearl-clutching in a writing group that one useful idiot female fled the group. Even though this effect should be obvious to everyone -- and she herself showed no sign of reproducing any time soon.
In the States, there is also so much censorship against pointing out the obvious regarding the grip that "POC" have on what we are allowed to say, and how we have to swallow blatant anti-white racism -- promulgating it, in fact -- or else we are "racist."
Your example of the white girl who goes to the police station to file a complaint against rape to a Pakistani police officer really resonated with me. I had a terrifying experience just like this, more than twenty years ago in NYC. And it's only gotten worse:
"A Buck Fifty: A Harsh Lesson in Race Relations"