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Jan 27
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I would encourage you to read this: https://millennialwoes.substack.com/p/aryan-blues

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become what they call us

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We must

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Seems to me nothing will change unless it is made to change, ya'all

Are going to need "tools"

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American Euro women are on the receiving end from another group.

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Yessir an Alabamma boy scout knot is a good thing to practice once in a while, got to do that right.

Keep up on skills.

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Brilliant. We the English need an English government.

All the best from Cross Flatts park.

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Brilliant article. You’re right, this is what we need to do.

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Another potent justice-seeking jeremiad against this "multi-cultural" tyranny. The salient point is that other races are NOT open to other races like white people generally are, and I (like you) have endured more than my fill of the Useful Idiot whites gleefully condemning other whites for pointing out this fact.

My theory as to WHY whites are generally more open to other races is due to these two (and more) factors:

Whites traveled around the world exploring in ways that other races did not. They were generally curious about other cultures and places in the world that other races apparently were not.

Whites are the only race that is inherently diverse in its appearance, i.e. various hair and eye colors, which affects our perceptions; all other races are uniform in terms of hair and eye color, apart from their blatant internal racisms against those of darker or lighter skin tones.

Your proposal as to how to stop what amounts to a two-tiered justice system, forged out of empathy for a problem that ostensibly does not exist -- the assumption that whites are the racists and the other races are not -- is so spot on. In other words, we need to recognize, and be allowed to state directly that whites ARE the more open race. The assumptions need to be turned around.

In Paris in the 80s, if I had a dime for every Moroccan who felt me up in passing on the sidewalk. I recall mentioning this in the teacher's room at work, and suffering that useful idiot tension that implies one should never repeat this FACT. Meanwhile the biddies are all over 'rape culture' and 'white men bad' while turning a blind eye to the obvious danger. After the useful idiots left the room, an older teacher whose native language is Arabic told me how when she was in the Peace Core, it sickened her to overhear what was being said about white women by Arabic men.

There is also the obvious fact that if whites continue to produce so few humans, that Muslims will take over Europe. My stating that patriarchal societies will rule and will be the only societies to survive caused so much pearl-clutching in a writing group that one useful idiot female fled the group. Even though this effect should be obvious to everyone -- and she herself showed no sign of reproducing any time soon.

In the States, there is also so much censorship against pointing out the obvious regarding the grip that "POC" have on what we are allowed to say, and how we have to swallow blatant anti-white racism -- promulgating it, in fact -- or else we are "racist."

Your example of the white girl who goes to the police station to file a complaint against rape to a Pakistani police officer really resonated with me. I had a terrifying experience just like this, more than twenty years ago in NYC. And it's only gotten worse:

"A Buck Fifty: A Harsh Lesson in Race Relations"


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Let me add that in the U.S., by far the most problematic, chaos-causing group is a certain faction of the black population. We cannot deport them, and we cannot overhaul their inherent anti-white racism.

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I’m a firm believer in vigilante justice. And arming every woman with lethal force starting at age 12. Forcible stranger rape should again be a capital crime. If the state won’t deliver a proper punishment, citizens must. At a minimum, surgical castration and defenestration.

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A excellent article. I remember a friend once telling me about the Aberfan disaster and saying that if you knew about the actions of the two main parties before and after, you would never vote for either again. The Muslim Rape Gang scandal should encourage the British public to do the same.

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If you still think representative democracy is the way ahead, you need your head examined.

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Really excellent - I’m so glad you highlighted the case of Karen Downes, mother of Charlene. I talked about her too in my Substack as she has spoken publicly on Nick Griffin of the BNP being one of the very few to have supported the Downes family. That we live in a society that allows scum like HNH to punch down on this poor woman and her family, literally beggars belief.

I totally agree about the importance of in-group preference and tribal allegiance to understanding the Pakistani Muslims that commit these crimes. In testimonies from perpetrators which I read, they would readily lie for one another to the police. It’s not even about liking one another particularly. They will stick together no matter what. I think that concept can be hard for many white people, who have had the entire notion of in-group preference drilled out of them, to understand at times.

To ignore the role of ethnicity, tribe and religion in grooming gang dynamics - as Nazir Afzal does - is misleading and plain wicked. The tribe is all. The perpetrators I spoke with were staggered that white English didn’t stick together by the way. They saw it as a chronic weakness. They’re right. https://open.substack.com/pub/ladyofshalott2/p/grooming-gangs-my-personal-experience?r=18oo7k&utm_medium=ios

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What does this history tell us about the British people? That they are the servile property of their government. Nothing will ever change until ordinary men and women can make political men and women suffer for their crimes. The first step is to dissolve in skeptical acid the lie that politicians are altruistic and that the exercise of power is a benevolent activity.

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We are all the Slaves of the Government, aren't we?

I suppose when our government gets bad enough and displays towards us enough callousness and contempt, we might start to collectively wonder if being the Slaves of God would get us better treatment.

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Hardly. Remember jews starved White Ukrainians. What happened? The white people started eating each other, literally their own children even. They didn't organize to try and punish the bolshevik jews such as lazar kaganovich, they took path of least resistance, sad but that's the reality.

Short of a cult of personality for Europeans to organize around who is benevolent AND smart, Europe will go quietly into the night. It's just a matter of mitigating the effects of what is inevitable short of a strongman/men to pull Europeans together and whip them into shape.

When Europeans organize from the top down, nothing on earth can stop them, not even the earth itself, it can try but it always gets tamed.

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How do our own traitors that enable this sleep at night,

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They absolutely do not care.

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And are convinced of their moral superiority.

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I expect that privately they know that they are empty vessels, performing a role in deliberate destruction of the national fabric. For some reason it only ever seems to roll on.

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On a exquisite premium mattress, thinking about that stupid gaffe their colleague made during a press conference earlier in the day, thereby lessening their chances at reelection. It was a question about that irritating rape gangs thing.

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Because they've come to realise they're dealing with a Dachshund, not a Doberman.

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I would also suggest withdrawing all welfare benefits from those who come here and no state support of any Muslim charity, mosque or school. We should ban the building (or conversion of a building) of mosques. Also no funding of interpreters, and a rigorous enforcement of the law against cousin marriage. I would like to see mass deportations of all the people related to those men who are currently, or have been, imprisoned for these crimes, along, of course with the perpetrators themselves, going back to the time of the original crime with no statute of limitations. No appeals, no wasting money on ‘defence lawyers’. I would also propose a boycott of all Muslim businesses - forego those (largely awful) takeaways and curry restaurants, the corner shops, etc.. We must stop funding these people, without funds they will go home. The U.K. is not their home, they are very unwelcome spongers.

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All it would take for that to happen would be a government not entirely made up of traitors and foreigners. Alas, that is too much to ask for in modern Britain.

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Has the royal family made any statement on this problem?

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Sadly, no.

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Because The Windsors Are In On It.

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I remember watching your videos on it in about 2015 and was just depressed after realizing nothing was going to be done about it. Hopefully it is too much for people to brush aside anymore.

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"When they see a White English girl in a vulnerable situation, they see an alien who is fit to be raped - and why not, when her group will not rally around and punish them for doing so? When it will even help them to get away with it?"

Vulnerable females need a protector ie a married father to protect and provide for them. Most British men are not married fathers.

Unmarried parenthood has been normalised to such an extent that most British parents are not married parents. This means the children of never married mothers will not have the protection of a father.

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What is the deal with all of the "partner" nonsense? There are husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, not partners.

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When people refer to their "partner" in the non-commercial sense, they really mean "current sex partner".

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Wow, I did not realize that. My only experience are the damnable British crime/detective shows which I occasionally binge and partner is always used. Spousal terms are never spoken. The deculturing programming really runs deep.

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You have a point there. Speaking as an American, we have jettisoned the so-called 'patriarchy,' (in general) that protected its women. Women are running the show, now, jettisoning husbands at the slightest provocation, using men as sperm donors and child support, while voting to let the barbarians in. While a mother certainly has the capacity of a female bear, there's nothing like having a father on the front lines, protecting his offspring. Add to this that 'free sex' has supplanted the tradition of courtship leading to marriage, which gives these Muslim perpetrators an excuse. The Western world needs to take back its Christian values regarding marriage and family.

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'This, combined with the specific demonisation of the police force as “institutionally racist”, is the witch’s brew that resulted - inevitably - in the Muslim rape gang epidemic.'

I wonder why no one will talk about Gillick Competence which sowed the harvest of low-hanging fruit for sex predators.

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Woes, do you agree with Morgoth that this is a kind of Chernobyl 'inciting' incident?

Does this mark the beginning of the end of the multi-culti dream?

When history books are written, perhaps this will be something they write of, an omen of sorts.

It's fascinating how it stains almost all of the Soviet Nanny State institutions - Councils, NHS, Police, Courts, Politicians. A real wood worm.

Presumably, as long as they are here it will continue, so it's also strange in the sense it won't go away until they do.

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The regime is going to double down and just try to sweep this "new" scandal under the rug and continue as if nothing happened. But, as with the riots last July, I think the damage being done to the regime's credibility is permanent.

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The people in charge (from police all the way up to the PM) are not really in charge. Their job is to just do as instructed by their higher ups.... same as most people's jobs are just to follow orders.

Starmer, Johnsons, Cameron, Blair... all of them were order followers, working for the elites and factions (mafias) that mentored them and put them into 'power'.

While everyone focuses on the controversy, division and chaos generated by these kinds of issues, the gradual (or not so gradual) enslavement of everyone continues in the background. And the more social unrest there is the more it 'justifies' further crackdowns on speech, free assembly, privacy etc as well as more Orwellian technology to control the masses - and 'protect' them from each other.

The social engineers are not afraid of creating escalating 'crisis', 'division' and 'unrest', they absolutely need to keep us in this state to achieve their plans, much like a cook needs to stoke the fire underneath his pot of soup.

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If the enemy only understands violence then you must learn to speak that language better than him. And I am quite frankly ok with that.

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