People have an understanding of the term “the elite”. It means “those who genuinely have power in the world and can influence events without being punished”. The idea is that this is synonymous with “the government” (both its democratic and bureaucratic sections). However, since 2020, several things have become clear:
there are power centres that are not part of any national government. The real elite is not confined to national governments (nor accountable to any) and, indeed, is above them and controls them. It is an amorphous network of global governance institutions, hedge funds, investment firms and NGOs. The West hasn’t been democratic since 1945. Since then, the task has been to maintain the façade of democracy while acting against the will of every White polity, with the long-term goal of destroying every White polity.
a European superstructure was created to expedite the process of taming national governments. However, the process was never solely reliant on the EEC/EU; the UN, the WEF, the WHO, and the World Bank are also crucial. (Notice that Brexit did not “de-tame” Britain; the middle-managers who manage Britain remain completely under the control of globalist powers.)
this taming of national governments included denying them military strength in favour of protection from America. This prevented them from ever rivalling America and also pushed them towards a feminine worldview in which “Daddy” looks after everything, so the kids never need to grow up, and are actually free to revert to a sort of babyhood.
this process has rendered national governments so subservient (indirectly to America and directly to the globalist governance structure) that they are now unable to honestly respond to events, while the idea of serving their polities has become completely alien to them, to such an extent that, when Keir Starmer was offered the “easy win” of choosing Westminster over Davos, he chose Davos.
at this point, national governments are bought-and-sold talking shops full of people who have long since lost any ability to help their societies. (Indeed, if you had that goal and any brain to pursue it, no party would allow you to stand for election.) Every major political party has been subverted. Fledgling parties are either subverted or crushed in embryo. Occasionally “decoy” parties are created, such as Reform UK, to keep the illusion going.
to underline: both elected politicians and civil servants serve the elite, not their own nations
it is possible for an individual (Elon Musk) or group to “join” the elite by sheer force of wealth. You can literally buy your way in, but you need to be massively wealthy, certainly a billionaire. You might have to hide your true views for a while before you get there, but eventually you will have amassed enough power that you can defy the elite’s consensus and then, at least in part, reshape it.
since technology has advanced to a point where the elite feel they no longer need to fear ordinary people, they have become ambivalent to their desires, needs and complaints. At worst, they see the European public as a disease to be eradicated. At best, they see it as an unlovable thing that has to be “managed” - largely stupid and potentially violent/destructive. That their own policies have made the public so potentially destructive is of no concern to them. Their only concern is maintaining the status quo no matter what. When Ursula von der Leyen announces that European countries will increase their military strength, it is not so that they can defend their own interests and benefit their peoples, but so that they can fight the wars that the elite want.
the only two nations that were ever powerful enough to wrest themselves free of the globalist elite were Russia and America. In the case of America, this didn’t matter, because it was so thoroughly corrupted and tamed by the Zionist lobby. Eventually the American public got sufficiently angry to vote in Donald Trump in 2016, but the Zionist lobby kept him neutered. In 2020 he was denied re-election, almost certainly by vote-rigging, and we had four years of unbridled insanity with Joe Biden. But by the time the 2024 election came along, the Zionist lobby had developed a concern (October 7th and rising anti-Zionism in US academia) which meant it had to revise its priorities. This created discord between it and the rest of the Western elite. It was now in Zionist interests to have a strong self-sufficient America, not a dysfunctional “woke” globalised America. Trump was allowed to become president again, but with certain conditions attached.
If this is indeed what has happened, then the countries of Europe are left in a very strange position. They are encumbered with a leadership cadre (people like Ursula von der Leyen) that was foisted on them by foreign globalist powers. But that cadre has now been cast adrift by those powers, at least, by many of them. As a result, von der Leyen finds herself compelled to serve an obsolete agenda, and in order to do so, must appeal to a European public that said agenda has compelled her to abuse for decades. The agenda itself is now rudderless; nobody has any idea what it will lead to, if anything… but there is no alternative agenda…
In fact, this course of action will end up benefiting America and its Zionist lobby. Young European men will go to war and get massacred. As a result, their countries’ economies will be decimated, leaving America as the only functional Western country. The absent young men will be replaced by virile young Africans, who will miscegenate with the women and destroy these countries forever.
That might be the intention behind those elites who are pushing for European war with Russia. Essentially, what has been done to Ukraine (destroying its young male population) will now be done to all Western European countries.
I don’t think that is going to happen.
In the 80 years that the countries of Western Europe have lived under American domination, they have been cosseted from practical realities and have become tragically weak militarily. With Trump’s permission they could now begin rebuilding their militaries but it would be many years before they would be in a position to take on Russia. Until then, such a war is completely unwinnable for them. The only reason they are able to even entertain such an insane project is that America has shielded them for so long, both from geopolitical realities and the common-sense fury of their own polities, and in this pampered existence they have come to believe the fanciful notion that “ideas are power”. The pragmatist knows that only power is power. And they don’t have it.
But anyone can become a pragmatist at any time, especially when it is in their electoral interests to do so. Enter Giorgia Meloni, who has poured cold water on their dream of war with Russia by proudly stating that Italian soldiers will not be taking part. Just one country doing this is enough to set an example for all the others. In this day and age, I cannot see Italy being demonised for its cowardly refusal to fight in a war whose point eludes most ordinary people. Instead, I think the people of Britain, Norway, Germany, Denmark, etc. will think “if the Italians aren’t walking into the meat-grinder, why should we?”
And so we come back to the hapless figure of Ursula von der Leyen. Her position is impossible. She is in no way fighting for the interests of the people she ostensibly serves (Europeans) and while this may be tenable during periods of prosperity, Western Europe is not in such a period, so the detachment of its leadership cadre is extremely offensive. It is also tenable to ignore your people’s interests when you are not asking them to make any great sacrifices… but she is now asking them to risk the lives and limbs of their young men.
In the meantime, conditions “on the ground” in every Western country - all the Western countries that people like her used to consider their canvas - are worsening by the month and turning ever more people against the agenda, which, without a utopian vision, let alone any timeframe or concrete goals, seems nothing other than suicidal.
At the supra-national level, we have a globalist cadre which has become unfit for purpose and hereon can only slowly realise its obsolescence. But there is another factor. Each European country is still led by a national government that was tamed and enslaved to said cadre. The cadre, cut adrift, may now lose energy, but each government cut adrift from the cadre will now find itself equally clueless. All they will know is the status quo and a demented need to maintain it, no matter how insane that would be.
A government can ignore its public’s complaints as long as it has them under control. The problem is that, the more it ignores complaints, the more its legitimacy erodes, and thereby its authority, and thereby its control. It will counter this by using heavy-handed methods to make examples of people and suppress dissent, but these methods will only work short-term as they serve to advertise its illegitimacy, since it only needs to suppress dissent because it is neglecting real (and increasingly tangible) problems. The government’s hope is to make the suppression brutal enough that dissenters will be deterred, but subtle enough that the public will not be disturbed. However, even if it manages this balance, its position is a losing one since the problems the dissenters are complaining about continue to grow, regardless of the suppression - indeed, because of it.
The national governments are in the position of middle-managers who have been given an impossible brief by their superiors (the European leadership cadre). But said cadre is in the position of a spoilt “star pupil” who has just been told by her teacher to do something hellish. Communication between these different levels seems to have broken down, because each level is demanding something impossible from the level below it.
We are heading into extremely interesting times.
The Day of the Noose is approaching and these clueless midwit traitors have no idea that treason has consequences.
Having sown the collapse of our societies, they are all going to reap the whirlwind.
It is my fervent desire to live long enough to witness them receiving justice.
See what is happening in Serbia right now. The people are sick of the outlandish and "in your face" corruption that has resulted in deaths to members of the public through utter governmental incompetence. The students without the blue hair are beginning the fight through the law courts and the backbenchers are fleeing the country with their swag bags. The people don't want to suffer the indignity of joining NATO or the EU after what those two bastard organisations have done to them. The protests will continue until the globalist elite have been removed. These are the same Davos fuckwits that are everywhere!