Great article and I agree with the gist of it.

However, you seem to fall under the same misconception regarding the Russian army as many in our movement do. I really don't blame you, no one is under any obligation to build up a functional level of knowledge on military matters, and all the military annalist types our side tends to deffer to are shamelessly pro-Russian (e.g. Ritter and MacGregor, who aren't even taken seriously by most Russian mil bloggers).

What the conflict in Ukraine proved about Russia's military is that there isn't really much reason to fear it. The sheer fact that they managed to get themselves bogged for three years against a flimsy adversary like Ukraine should be enough proof of that. They initially went for a NATO style airland battle, but they proved too incompetent for it. Occupying 20% of Ukraine in the initial assault might seem impressive until you realize they practically didn't encounter any noteworthy opposition, and the few disparate Ukr. units who fought managed to inflict a substantial amount of casualties. On the reverse side, there were entire Ukrainian brigades who managed to casually avoid encirclement because Russian commanders weren't even aware of the opportunity presented to them.

They then settled on a "snail's pace" offensive -- which would in and of itself be considered a failure by any NATO planner. This implies slow and steady progress under excessive firepower superiority with the purpose of minimizing own casualties while exhausting the enemy. A roughly 1 to 1 exchange ratio is not considered a "good" outcome for your force in this scenario and while they have been constantly taking whole tenis courts of land for the past two years, many of us forget they actually hold *less* territory in Ukraine than they did back in March of 22 (withdraw from near Kiev notwithstanding).

The crowd that keeps on trumpeting that "Russia is winning" seem to have entirely divorced themselves of the context in which these gains take place. What was on paper the second best military in the world is making tiny and hard-fought advances against a hitherto barely funded armed force that operates a patchwork of second-rate NATO equipment and Cold War relics. Only a couple of mill annalists and war nerds would have expected to see the Russian military in this pathetic situation before the war; yet, there are dilettantes both left and right who paint them as a bigger threat than ever.

I honestly wonder what would these people make of Poland's military, who is considerably higher rated than Ukraine's. What is a realistic scenario in which an army who stalemated with Ukraine for 3 years is going to present an existential threat to Poland, let alone the rest of Europe?

Many are making a lot of stock of the NATO military aid, but ffs. it only trickled and it's a fraction of what could have been.

Yeah, and one more thing. Western nations had good (-ish) militaries during the Cold War. Total helplessness is more of a post Cold War thing.

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It’s striking how much of Europe’s leadership just parrots whatever the global powers decide, while ignoring the daily struggles of their own people. Ursula von der Leyen seems to be the poster child for this disconnect—she’s pushing an agenda that even the original architects no longer fully support, leaving everyday Europeans on the hook for sacrifices nobody asked for.

The sad truth is, when leaders choose a lofty global mission over the real needs of their citizens, we all get treated like pawns rather than partners.

But this isn’t just about Ursula. Almost the entire political machine in Western Europe feels like it’s staffed by timid middle-managers desperate to preserve a status quo that’s clearly crumbling.

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This is excellent. The only point I would quibble is whether the rot set in in 1945 or a decade later with Suez. But otherwise spot on.

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"The government’s hope is to make the suppression brutal enough that dissenters will be deterred, but subtle enough that the public will not be disturbed. However, even if it manages this balance, its position is a losing one since the problems the dissenters are complaining about continue to grow, regardless of the suppression - indeed, because of it."

aka the Yookay strategy.

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Neptune enters Aries at the end of this month, this could create more support for a foreign war, or more likely create a greater belligerence amongst the people's of Europe towards the people they believe to be the source of their problem.

Aries will feature heavily this year in fact. With Pluto in Aquarius, radical new ideals will be behind all of the fiery warlike energy of Aries.

It is looking a strong possibility that Nationalist revolutions will feature in the coming years as even non-magicians are starting to summise.

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Very well done. Very very well done.

Curt Doolittle


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Excellent analysis. The main problem is that the masses—who rightly sense serious dysfunction—still faithfully believe in their democracies and its attendant institutions. They are assertively showing up to the polling stations and voting harder and harder, yet find no relief. Unfortunately, the official narratives still hold sway over them, thus dictating their emotionally driven responses.

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“We are heading into extremely interesting times”. There has been many a bellwether nation in the EU and Europe, Ireland and Denmark to name a couple who voted the ‘wrong way’ only to be forced back to the ballot box. The current bellwether is Romania. That is the current ‘interesting times’ we have to watch closely and analyse at the moment.

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Elite means 'Choosen'.


Or if you say the syllables out loud and slowly it it El- and -ites.

Sounds similar to how the Jews refer to specific people's as Sodom-ites or Edom-ites and so on.

The El-ites are 'people' that are 'Choosen' to be in power, ffs get it right, words matter Woes'.

Also the Word El is another name for YAHWEH, the God of the Jews.

Stop and think.

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Excellent well researched, reasoned, rational and above all open, honest and manifestly true observations. My one critique being that you shouldn't have used a computer generated voice. It should have been your own. I've heard your voice before on previous videos, YouTube and you speak well. Perhaps in future you should speak for yourself and not let another do it for you. It detracts from your argument and psychologically instills doubt in the audience. You've got a good voice. Use it. 👍

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I don't know what voice you are referring to. If Substack is offering automatic AI readings, that has nothing to do with me.

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Ok. Well as I stated I've heard you speak and theorising on other videos. Which you do well, which I think also gives the viewer a greater sense and emphasis of both your character and your work that might otherwise be missing from a written essay alone. Perhaps you should think of doing an audio version as well as the written version of your essays? I know it would involve more work and time, which considering the obvious thought and effort you put in to your written work might be that bit too far?

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Great article. Even more interesting is the scenario where the 9/11 declassification implicates Israel and the US abandons Israel for its treachery. Then all bets are off on every level.

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You really need to get the traitorous bitch's name correct ..... it is Fondalyin.

Armies have historically been used on the people that are forced to pay for them not on the "enemy" at the gates. Just ask any Roman general if you doubt that as they wrote about it extensively.

THAT is why she wants an army, ............. to murder Western Europeans not Russians.

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Timely accurate and a well written piece.

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The Day of the Noose is approaching and these clueless midwit traitors have no idea that treason has consequences.

Having sown the collapse of our societies, they are all going to reap the whirlwind.

It is my fervent desire to live long enough to witness them receiving justice.

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It's my fervent desire to live long enough to directly participate in delivering them their justice!

I'll do it for free- in the rain!

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See what is happening in Serbia right now. The people are sick of the outlandish and "in your face" corruption that has resulted in deaths to members of the public through utter governmental incompetence. The students without the blue hair are beginning the fight through the law courts and the backbenchers are fleeing the country with their swag bags. The people don't want to suffer the indignity of joining NATO or the EU after what those two bastard organisations have done to them. The protests will continue until the globalist elite have been removed. These are the same Davos fuckwits that are everywhere!

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I hadn't heard about it. Do you have a link to a decent article on it?

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Good clear thinking and writing here

If the Eurocrats of the metropole are middle managers, the Romanian 'elite'--they're not elite in any sense other than that they're (nominally) in control of the government--are at least one tier below: lower management taking orders at once from both Eurocratic middle managers and the board of directors in the USA.

For them US abandonment of the EU is even more disorienting than it is for Von der Layen etc. In a desperate and now hopeless attempt to bring the US back onside they have therefore decided to 'prove' that Calin Georgescu--whose victory in the first round of Romania's presidential election last November was cancelled by the constitutional court, with the admitted complicity of the European Commission--is a criminal. He is now on trial for:

- instigation to actions against the constitutional order, in an attempted form communication of false information continuous false statements (regarding the sources of financing of the electoral campaign and declarations of assets)

- initiation or establishment of an organization of a fascist, racist or xenophobic character, membership or support, in any form, of such a group promotion, in public, the cult of persons guilty of committing crimes of genocide against humanity and war crimes

- the promotion in public of fascist, legionary, racist or xenophobic ideas, concepts or doctrines initiating or forming an anti-Semitic organization, joining or supporting in any form such an organization.

It's almost unnecessary to add that they have virtually no evidence beyond the circumstantial, guilt by association etc that any of this is true. Still, I doubt they would have gone this far if they weren't reasonably sure that they could send him down.

Yet it seems exceeding unlikely that the USA will approve if he's convicted. What will happen *then*? As you say, there is much of great interest yet to come.

This is muh most recent 'take' on the subject (yes I realise it's boomergauche of me to link to it):


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Democracy is supposed to be about letting the people choose and if they want a "xenophobe" in power good for them because every country around the world that puts their own people first is "Xenophobic" according to these traitorous scumbags.

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