"...the episode tackles the clash between an old institution full of traditions and hierarchy, with modern values of equality, rationalism and liberalism."

This is the same plot seen in the subgenre of American films such as Animal House (John Blutarsky of Delta House vs. Dean Vernon Wormer, head of the college); Police Academy (Cadet Carey Mahoney vs. Lieutenant Thaddeus Harris); and Caddyshack (Al Czervik vs. judge Elihu Smalls).

In all three films, all written by Jews, often by Harold Ramis, an outsider protagonist enters into a conservative institution, protected by a suspicious (White) antagonist and challenges its norms and values and questions its authority, then changes it from within using 'fun' against these old 'fuddy duddy' types who just cannot lighten up and enjoy themselves. In the end the outsider wins, is cheered on by everyone else for fighting up to power and bringing 'fun' and the institution is reformed from within.

It's the same story but in a different place.

It brings to mind the story of Chesterton's Fence, from G.K. Chesterton used the example of a fence which one should know why it was built, even if the reason is not immediately apparent, before they consider tearing it down. These institutions, which are protected by these 'boring, stuck-up old fuddys' in these films, are challenged as being outdated and need to be challenged by an outsider who brings his outsider wisdom to 'fix' them, yet their authority is questioned without any concern for their necessity and why it is necessary to gatekeep it from such outsiders — for this very reason.

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Excellent article as always Woes. I look forward to reading a book from you!

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Really enjoyed this read Woes. The old aristocracy officer class types were all 'thrashed' regularly at boarding school. The best traditions of the Empire were instilled in them. Duty was everything. Penn and his ilk from the middle-class were never ever thrashed. They looked at the aristocracy with jealous contempt and the working classes as pathetic pawns to be manipulated. Subversion of everything good was always their intent. Conservatives have utterly failed to conserve anything worthwhile, always and forever wishing to return things the way they were 10 years previous. Men like Penn possessing all the dark triad traits have crushed the weak and naive Nialls' for decades.

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It's been updated recently its now the Dark Tetrad of personality traits. Narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, sadism and nihilism (both of which have recently been reclassified as dark personality traits rather than mental disorders).

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A more appropriate ending to the episode would have seen an older Penn assuming the role of Beaumont—facing off against the latest iteration of the prog foil.

Because that’s the true nature of how our liberal democracies work.

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Bravo! You always surprise with great Insight.

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Thank you. :)

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Chucking him overboard would have saved the pointless rabbiting.

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This was a very, very good read, Woes. Insightful breakdown of the psychology and motivation behind both the fictional characters and the institution(s) and tradition(s) they're to represent or oppose, respectively.

(edit: spelling mistake)

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I've occasionally referred to people as being 'overeductaed' which is always met with condescending derision. Penn perfectly personifies what I mean by overeducated and demonstrates the differences between education, learning and understanding.

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I enjoyed reading MW's article above very much and agree with it. However one thing struck me : Its great that there are Highly disciplined men like Beaumont about but they always have zero critical thinking and intuition. They have total faith in the hierarchical system around them and so are gullible recipients of an unknown injection that they are told is "safe and effective". When the system turns against us, people like Penn are needed, Beaumont is not.

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Very interesting piece. I was reminded of the diner scene in Twin Peaks, where Major Briggs is trying to have a serious chat with his son Bobby, Bobby sneeringly pulls out a cigarette and Major Briggs promptly slaps him hard across the face, before commencing to give a great father to son speech. In real life, I suspect men like Penn would be as it were "reset" with gruelling physical chores and/or punishment beatings. There's a lot to be said for physical pain in restoring a man to right manly virtue, I think in some sense a life without periods of real difficulty will tend to go off course, like a warship that can't take its bearings from the stars or landmarks.

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Surprising & impressive that an episode of a TV show accurately portrayed the dynamics of leftism & weak & strong conservativism.

I can't help but notice that the failure to acknowledge & properly react to subversives is itself a form of pacifism & surrender. Optimism that everything will just magically work itself out is both a dereliction of duty & a virtue signal used to justify escapism from reality. The implicit message is that its more moral to let subversives destroy your society than address it.

These types aren't explicitly subversive but when put in a position where they can influence things that's always the end result. They open the door to the native subversive who then opens the door to the aliens. Once it gets that far they always side with the native subversives when push comes to shove, complaining about the invasion they let unfold becomes yet another virtue signal. I'd even go as far to say they're just as nihilistic as leftists with the key difference being they want to be happy & comfortable.

Its not pleasant having to harshly deal with your own kin so kicking the can down the road is preferable. Even the mere acknowledgement of that is uncomfortable & since no one wants to openly admit they're weak bending the knee to leftists has to be wrapped up in feel good lies.

To put it another way, weak conservatives are the equivalent of a disease that compromises the immune system. They're not what will ultimately kill you but the deadly infection that soon follows wouldn't have gotten a foothold without them.

Now to be fair this is only a problem because we have a system that erroneously puts these people in positions of influence. In a sane hierarchy they'd be following the orders of strong men & wouldn't be in a position to make important decisions about society. On a primitive level they themselves seem to understand this, they never explicitly say it but its clear they just want to live their lives & follow a strong leader who keeps order.

I know its extremely cliché to say but democracy is totally unnatural & by its very nature subversive. It was always doomed to this fate, modernity amplified & sped up the timescale of decay it was already headed towards.

Anyway, rambling over. This article is an excellent breakdown of the dynamics at play & a very insightful reading of this piece of media. Great read, as per usual.

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Well analysed and said.

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Thank you kindly.

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Incredible writing are Woes.

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Thank you.

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Excellent analysis of all sides. Those whom fail and refuse to recognise the Left for what they truly are, whom then misguidedly prevent those whom do recognise the threat from doing whatever needs to be done in order to remove the threat from the Left and preserve and protect everyone and everything against the Left and their malignant-narcissism and sadistic nihilism, all of which is often deceptively expressed as false virtue.

The Left are dysgenic spiteful mutants, the rats gnawing away incessantly, without care or concern for the consequences, at the foundations of civilisation and society, indeed of all things beneficial and necessary. The Left are parasitic and verminous, who's only act of giving back to that which gave them all, is by defecating and fouling all that binds, benefits and sustains us.

The Left falsely, dishonestly and self-delusionally claim themselves to be more moral abd superior in all ways to those they hold in the greatest of contempt, everyone and everything else. The reality is that the Left are the opposite of what they claim to be. The Left are substandard degenerates and nihilsts. Seeking not just their own end, but the end of all else iut of resentment, jealousy, spite and malice. The Left want the inane, smug, self-satisfaction of being the last to go into the abyss which they have cast all else into before they cast themselves into it and a hateful pact, and a dark sense of spiteful malice and malignancy.

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Very well put.

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