Aug 13, 2023Liked by Millennial Woes

The Buddhist tradition calls our time the kaliyuga, an era of increasing darkness, heaviness, disorder and friction. In symbolic terms it is said that aeons ago, beings had bodies of light, but over time, their embodiment grew more material and more dense. In psychological terms, people feel more constrained on all sides by limitations, obstacles and obligations. Individual lives grow more painful and complicated; the sense of personal integrity weakens, and even simple honesty becomes a difficult practice. Manipulation and aggression rule the day, and society is beset with rules that attempt to restrain the increasingly selfish orientation of its members.

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Aug 13, 2023Liked by Millennial Woes

It boils down to either incompetence or malice. I'm beyond entertaining the idea it's incompetence anymore. We are collectively being confused, disorientated, divided and weakened as the centuries old steadfast pillars of society are deliberately dismantled around us. There can only be one reason for this. To soften us up for enslavement in an AI controlled, CBDC mediated digital prison run by a global cabal. I genuinely believe that if we don't collectively wake up very soon with mass civil disobedience, we will never get out of this eternal hell. I hope that the US (guns) and France (spirit) maybe the most likely catalyst for such an uprising.

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Aug 13, 2023Liked by Millennial Woes

I said it before, they can’t be this incompetent by accident.

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Aug 13, 2023Liked by Millennial Woes

In the same way you have cottoned onto the word "inversion" I have noticed the word "parody" being used to describe all kinds of situations. In our current era we are living through an updated extended version of Shakespeare's "Richard the Third". Exactly as you have noted - everything is a travesty of what it should be. Explanations such as emergent chaos in the wake of cultural collapse goes some way to explaining what we see. Incompetence and greed are of course part of the picture as are dark conspiracies by elite actors. But for me the only thing that explains the sheer scale, the complexity and choreography of events is that there must be a malevolent force at work. A doer of evil who hates all that is good and twists and inverts it.

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Aug 13, 2023Liked by Millennial Woes

I work in a very large international company, which is to say: in a very large, faceless bureaucracy, very similar to a state.

(And this it is a multinational IT componay, very silar to the UK, in the way that it is mostly in the hands of Indians now)

In this organization you see similar developments of the inefficient middle management whose only goals seem to be to be in control of the proudctive people, which they do by inverting values, making hypocrisy mandatory, and selling obvious lies.

This all seems to be emergent behaviour of large organization, coupled with the natural ability of evil psychopaths to rise into leadership positions, who seem to have a lot of fun to make other people miserable.

This is the managerial state and the inevitable cancerous growth of the managerial class, which only cares about itself.

Unlimited power, no responsibility when something goes wrong, the global population as a plaything.

As a cancer on society, it only has capacity for undifferentiated growth, quantity at the cost of quality.

With that interpretaion, the inversions you describe and the crisises we are constantly in now are the hysterics of the managerial class at the end of its growth cycle, at the height of its power, but also with the awareness that decline is coming. They probably have a subconscious inkling that they went to far, but they have not reverse gear.

Much like the French aristocracy in the gardens of Versailles, ca. 1770.

Aurelien had a piece about that recently:


Perhaps I see the world in that colour because I do not want to face that real evil exists, and that many of my fellow citizens, including a large number of friends and family, are on the side of evil.

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Aug 13, 2023Liked by Millennial Woes

I remember someone very famous being asked what it would be like at the end of time and he simply replied ..... "Overturn, Overturn, Overturn" ......... i.e. overturn all your ideas of right and wrong, black and white up and down etc etc etc.

His name was and is and always shall be God.

Maybe he meant that things have to be totally inverted before people will wake up.

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Aug 13, 2023Liked by Millennial Woes

Take the current government. Many of the top positions are filled by literal foreigners, which makes it an inversion of what a 'British' government is supposed to be. On top of that, all of the people in the positions most important to the maintenance of the country's Britishness (i.e. Sunak, Braverman and now two Javids) are foreigners, and they consistently tell us that they want to 'control' immigration. This must be beyond the ability of the NPC to compute. The lie is so enormous as to be impossible to believe. Even I am gobsmacked that the regime is prepared to be this blatant.

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Sadly accurate. I wish you were wrong, but unfortunately I think you’re right.

What’s crazy is that 20 years ago, crazy preachers on daytime TV were kind of saying the same thing. They, of course, used religious language, but fundamentally I think they were making the same argument: there is an inversion going on in our culture from what it used to be.

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There's a farcical note to things these days, it's like we're living through some festival where the town rapist is crowned and the mayor has to dress in rags. And in the background, a little fainter, but growing day by day, there's a very sinister, inhuman quality: it's like Macbeth, where the natural order and even time itself seem to be coming undone. I don't think we've ever experienced anything like this Undoing on anything like this scale before. There is real spiritual evil. I guess it's our privilege to be alive to fight in such a time.

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The systematic nature of the comprehensive inversion of rationale and rationality in the modern world makes me incredibly suspicious of those who claim this is all an emergent phenomenon, too. Yes, there is a system; yes, that system is seemingly designed to produce and propagate falsehoods. But who designed that system? It didn't come out of nowhere.

If there were Ruinous Powers desirous of conquering humanity via stealth, this is indeed precisely how they would go about it.

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I know it's been said and this isn't original of me at all but:

"War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength." - George Orwell, 1984

Total inversions.

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The last paragraph is interesting, because it is precisely what is coming.

A great awakening is happening amongst our people, and what is a yet a murmur will become a vast outcry that will call forth our champions whio will lead our people out of the darkness and back into the light.

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Aug 13, 2023Liked by Millennial Woes

Talking with normies about this leaves one feeling like they are walking on thin ice. I have to be really careful how I describe my feelings so that I don't come across like a madman.

I've found using analogies sometimes helps. In this case I ask people to imagine taking their car to a mechanic to fix an oil leak. This should be a simple correction and one for which the mechanic is eminently qualified. However when you pick the car up, the leak persists. In fact it's even worse. You return it to the shop; the man apologizes and insists it was a mistake; you leave it for further repairs. After you pick it up a second time you find the leak is even worse and now there are additional problems caused by the mechanic's tinkering. This goes on, and on, and on until you can no longer even drive your car but are left taking the bus and the mechanic has the temerity to insist that you really didn't need a car l one and perhaps you should just take the bus and be grateful. But also please be sure to continue paying him to "repair" "your" car. Now consider all this, and ask yourself: what are the odds that this mechanic is well-intentioned but a bit incompetent? Isn't it more likely that he's acting with malice?

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An important topic and absolutely the correct conclusion.

Throughout the years the more mainstream rightists have tried to soothe me by arguing that this is all just caused by stupidity or incompetence, or by some emergent social forces. That's a soothing thought, because it makes the problem appear more easily solvable: educate people, wisen them up, defeat silly people at the "marketplace of ideas", fix certain social problems, and the problem goes away.

In this way of thinking there are no real enemies, and no actual malice. The more mainstream people appear to startle and get dismissive at the very notion of malice. Anything but malice! But that's ideal for malicious people. Let the victims not become cognizant of their tormentors, and instead urge them to poke at 'emergent trends' or drone on about the 'marketplace of ideas'.

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It’s a mistake to assume we have never gone through corruption on this scale before. The truth is we have. All societies become this corrupt at the end of their lifetimes. “Corruption” means that a thing is no longer serving its “telos” or purpose, which in this case is to point the individual to God and His Law as the ultimate good of society.

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Aug 13, 2023Liked by Millennial Woes

I’m going to save this and hope the people I share it with will wake up as described. However my concern is the mass awakening won’t happen, or at least not en masse. Many people aren’t just fooled, compliant, obedient or lazy; they have been indoctrinated into a cult. We now have mothers excited their child is transgender and demanding "gender affirming care", one of the most harmful things to be inflicted on a child. Such is the power of the cult. There are no accidents: the ultimate goal of the inversion is the destruction of Western civilization and the people who created it. Language is used to inflict psychological harm on people and make them vulnerable to accepting the inversions that harm them, or incapable of recognizing it and pushing back. People who are trained in delivering people from cults refer to the process as deprogramming. There has to be effective deprogramming to deliver them from their stupor. I see it happening here and there in small increments. I am hopeful the numbers of the deprogrammed will grow sufficiently to counter the programming of the state, and help open the eyes of those still unable to see.

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