Mar 9Liked by Millennial Woes

The shared tweet reminds of a similar one from an American lefty who said "we should draft the unvaccinated!" at the the start of the Ukraine war.

Of course, this was said *right after* WuFlu vax refusers had been purged from the ranks. No self-awareness indeed.

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They are brainwashing our parents, turning our siblings gay and pushing for the rape of our offspring. And the regime backs them. I would rather join Russia tbh.

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"Let the clowns die for Clown World" is my motto. I think England's best chance of survival is for Russia and China to liberate it from the globalists

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British elites (those playing the eliteness game) imagine themselves LARPing as Churchill (and my American elites often do something similar). But today’s British elites don’t read their history deeply enough to see that the elites of the British (and French, and others) 1930s screwed up so bad that they had to turn the reigns over to a conservative curmudgeon just to save Britain from invasion. But there is no guarantee that the population will fight a war just to return elites to a position of continental power and influence. They may instead fight only to defend their homeland and kick out the elites who led them into disaster.

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spot on. Very well and accurately said

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Well written, though I wonder what value parsing the mind of leftists will bring us in the DR. Critical analysis lends value to understanding ourselves, but this article seems to be a cathartic colour commentary rather than transformative. Again, well written.

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A neat and accurate summary. As one who did serve in HM Forces, I would not do so today. Not for globalist masters.

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Let’s turn our enemies the “dumb right” into soldiers and killing machines to fight Russia etc. and kill themselves. Well not all will be killed. Some will return home and perhaps start to kill the people - the left - who sent them to war. How dumb is that. “Be careful what you wish for as you may get it” as the old Chinese proverb says. Evil can only destroy so never go anywhere near it. Likewise your enemy is my enemy is not a good basis for a pact of mutuality.

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Mar 4·edited Mar 4

I mean most right wingers are cucks who would want to fight for Britain today (still believing in a Britain that no longer exists), because they still believe this society is "theirs." So I don't think it's entirely off-point of what Laurie McFlurry (Is that really her last name? LOL McFlurry. Kill me). But yes, the desire for war and more involvement is coming from the Left, the society is theirs, and they should largely fight for it.

The society (like every Western country) is an xenophilic anti-majority pro-minority society. Xenophobia is condemned (right wingers are too dumb to know what xenophobia is even as they preach it. especially conservatives). Sure. But this is so simplistic to model all society off this. The Left and the Right over oversimplified terms. I believe in climate change and anti-capitalism. We can only move forward. At the same time, I despise of pro-minority militancy and allyship, yet find white nationalism boring as well. Where does that put me? Who knows.

And yeah, most right wingers are obese losers, McFlurry (LMAO I still can't get over this shit. That can't be really her last name), because we live in a degenerate capitalist democracy. The left is not superior in this regard. I doubt she is some ultra-fit person and somehow embraces pain, struggle, glory, victory, sacrifice, rejecting hedonism, purging all decadence from her body and soul- Smashing the gym, drinking protein shakes/eating protein bars, embracing the warrior spirit and athleticism, honing internal discipline every day, listening to Two Steps from Hell, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsAeAVfwDFM, like a badass. She probably wouldn't make it 10 paces with serious heavy equipment. Her dyed hair tells me everything I need to know about her.

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Mar 4Liked by Millennial Woes

German farmers have begun to instantiate their blockade of Berlin last night iirc.

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Mar 4Liked by Millennial Woes

This is a high quality piece, Colin. Cheers.

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Mar 4Liked by Millennial Woes

Let's address the elephant in the room. Gone is the left that was made up of men who advocated for labor laws that benefitted the working class. What now passes for the "left" is both feminist and feminine. It is dominated by women who have lived in a fantasy land since they were small children, and this may be why the modern "left" is so unreasonable, lacking in self-awareness and infantile. And I say this as a woman who thought of myself as a feminist when I was young, rejecting it when I realized that too many (most?) feminists were unreasonable, hypocritical and infantile midwits who were more interested in creating special protections for themselves than they were in equality.

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".. they see themselves as the reasonable ones ..." - I don't think people in 'this thing' spend nearly enough time thinking about this!

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Mar 3Liked by Millennial Woes

This essay, while very articulate and effective at describing the nuances in the positions of the Left and Right concerning the war in Ukraine (or war in gemeral), is a perfect example of why I avoid Twitter like the plague. I understand that someone in your position cannot avoid it, and you have my sympathy. But it seems to me that as a platform it is wholly unsuited to that purpose for which we are attempting to use it. It's unfortunate but also appropriate that our moronic elites have taken it as the primary means by which to communicate and debate.

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Let's see if they roll out White Feathers to shame what few military-age white men are left. Don't think it would work this time.

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Spot on. Well put. And utterly tragic and maddening. Just went through a meltdown with one of these unable-to-connect-the-dots people; not only were his protestations weak and childish, his point was all Ad Hominem. Never mind the data. One must not think about this, or otherwise be a “bad person.”

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