I seem to be gradually creating a set of concepts on this Substack, so I thought it would be useful to have a single place where they are concisely defined. I will also include a few standard terms where I think I can offer a useful definition of my own, or where I think the term is so relevant to my work that it should be included. This page will be kept up to date and “more info” links added as the respective essays are published.
The mystical aura of officialness, quality, stamp of societal approval, etc. that attends a published (and celebrated) work, a famous (and celebrated) person or an official (and celebrated) organisation. Accession is like magic dust; it elevates the thing above any un-Accessioned peers. It cannot be synthesised from nothing, and must be conferred by some person or organisation that already has it. Once a thing has been granted Accession, this is virtually impossible to remove.
This is when the Regime arbitrarily invokes laws in order to simultaneously hinder the law-abiding or well-intentioned and help the law-breaking or ill-intentioned. Everyone can see that the good are being punished and the bad rewarded, and the result of this moral chaos is blind reliance upon the Regime, since it, not history or precedent or culture, is the only possible source of stability.
the Alt-Lite
A semi-mainstream attempt to cash in on, and neutralise, the mid 2010s Alt-Right movement. This involved elements of Con Inc., edgy YouTubers with little to say beyond what they could crib from better thinkers, and outright grifters, narcissists and sociopaths - people who don't really care about any issues, even when their civilisation is dying in front of them. The best you could say for the Alt-Lite is that some of them were sincere but too cowardly to face the truth, so held on to a naive worldview. Thankfully, a few of the luminaries of the Alt-Lite have since become more truthful on controversial matters.
A 2016 British political referendum in which a (small) majority of the public expressed mildly nationalistic feelings about their country, and perhaps also unconsciously racist feelings about the fate of their ethnic group. The vast majority of them would deny the latter, vehemently, but I think the Left are correct about them, namely that they have a natural (but unacknowledged) desire for their ethnic group to be safe from oblivion.
Champagne Socialist
That portion of the British population which either works in the media, or could work in the media if at any time the fancy took them. Hailing from the upper-middle-class, most of them are blazingly naive, self-righteous, loud and shallow, though some of them are well-meaning.
That portion of the Champagne Socialist population (roughly 95% of them) that work in the media, can’t shut up about their opinions, and are absolutely convinced of their own moral and intellectual brilliance.
common sense
The ability to understand something without having to analyse it or consult a “qualified” authority. This ability is usually denounced, or denied altogether, by people who don’t have it, and people who have it but fear what it tells them.
the Culture Machinery
The anatomy of industries and sectors that generate culture, preserve culture, and regulate the granting of Accession. This would include publishers, production companies, distributors, advertisers, academia, critics and newspaper editors, and some of government. The Culture Machinery is simultaneously decentralised (lots of inter-dependent parts which monitor and influence each other) and hierarchical (all ultimately beholden to high finance).
A governance system whereby a society is ruled by the powerful merchant class (via the mainstream media) while claiming to be ruled by the public.
democracy, our
A euphemism for “the status quo in the 21st Century West”. While this does include a facsimile of democracy, it also includes a lot of explicitly counter-democratic ideas, organisations and legal apparatus. More than anything else, it means consumerism and egalitarianism.
When Iraq and Afghanistan were invaded by the USA, George W Bush’s government spoke of “installing democracy” in these backward barbaric sand countries, which initially meant building Burger King outlets but, within 20 years, had evolved to indoctrinating the population with LGBT, ie. converting them from the religion of Islam to the religion of Equality.
In the late 2010s, the phrase “our democracy” was invoked as something precious, something that must be treasured by the populace and guarded vigilantly from those who would destroy it - ie. enemies of consumerism or egalitarianism, or people who wanted actual democracy.
deplorables, basket of
Enemies of our democracy. This includes Trump supporters, the KKK, Russia, the Alt-Right, conspiracy theorists, and everyone else who opposed Hillary Clinton but hasn’t been suicided yet.
The phenomenon of there being proportionately fewer white people in a given location than before, with social conditions in place to ensure that there will be even fewer of them in future. Interestingly, a variety of white peoples (German, English, French, etc.) is never seen as “diverse”. Also, the addition of white people to an already diverse place is never seen to increase that place’s “diversity”. “Diversity” only comes from ever larger numbers of non-white people being present, and any white people present reduce the “diversity”. “Diversity” means fewer white people; total “diversity” means zero white people. Diversity is code for “white genocide”.
The religion of the modern West. This covers race, nationality, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, class, and every other way by which humans could be differentiated into groups. All Western people today are expected to believe in equality in all of these ways, and to act on that belief and certainly never on the contrary belief, and there are social, professional and sometimes legal consequences for failing to do so.
“Equality” (with a capital E) is distinguished from “equality” in that the latter is merely a concept while the former is a religion (even though it is informal, unstated and uncodified).
The natural affinity for your own kind that all people feel. Springing from the instinct of in-group preference, it is the basis for the survival of all forms in the natural world. While it can be unpleasant in its manifestations and effects, it is an essential for the group’s survival.
In the modern age, all people except white people are strongly encouraged to feel and indulge their ethnocentrism, especially where it galvanises them against white people. Thus, the ethnocentrism of non-white people is commonly weaponised to attack, undermine and weaken white people, especially with reference to their ownership of their ancestral homelands.
The collective processes that streamline the world, merge systems, coordinate institutions into parity and unity, and eliminate distance, geography and history by reducing as far as possible the difficulty in transporting humans, goods and ideas.
The ideology of the modern West. While the word “globalisation” means tangible processes and changes in the arrangements of the world, “globalism” is an abstract thing.
Another key difference is in scope: while globalisation does touch every corner of the world to one extent or another, globalism is much more limited, being confined to North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and perhaps a few non-white outposts here and there, such as South Korea.
Globalism, an ideology, operates atop the infrastructure of globalisation and the religion of Equality.
hate speech
Originally, this meant speech that was grossly negative about non-white people. Then, it meant any speech that was motivated by racism (in-group preference). Later, it meant any speech that noted differences between races. Now, it means any speech that rejects any Establishment assertion - eg. that race is a real thing.
The examples above pertain to race, but hate speech also covers gay, trans, religion, disability, etc. On each of these issues, there is one allowed opinion, and any other opinion is hate speech.
Furthermore, hate speech also includes any speech that contradicts the Establishment line on current affairs - eg. covid, the Ukraine conflict, etc.
A very rare thing in people, very hard to achieve, much harder than people realise.
The most useful tool when trying to achieve honesty.
incredible range of restaurants!
The thing almost always cited by proponents of multiculturalism as the reason we should want and celebrate it. Usually, they can think of literally no other reason why transforming your country out of recognition is “good”. This is shallow to a degree that only the white middle-class could manage.
But moreover, it is stupid. It is often pointed out, based on a classic British comedy sketch, that we don’t need the immigrants now that they’ve given us the recipes. In truth, we could have got the recipes without a single immigrant ever setting foot on our land.
But to make it even more ridiculous… in many cases we already had the recipes, long before multiculturalism. For example, the first British cookery book to include a recipe for curry was published in 1747!
So the progressive’s main justification for multiculturalism is both shallow and fallacious.
The ability to respond cogently to stimulation.
The people paid to provide the academic or rhetorical justification for society’s current consensus on everything. Sometimes they also shape that consensus, in whole or in part, but these days that seems to be done mostly by technocrats and oligarchs, with the intelligentsia playing the role of post-hoc justifying lackey.
The manner in which every institution works today, to achieve subversion, while ostensibly striving towards some other, noble, goal of which the public would approve. More info.
Somebody who is above average but nothing special, and is delusional about the latter part. More info.
Most prosaically, this is an adjective meaning “of or relating to a period of one thousand years [a millennium]”.
It has come to refer to a generation of people, born between 1981 and 1996 (in between Gen X and the Zoomers). Nowadays this is by far the most common usage of the word.
However, from about 1990 to maybe 2010, it was also used to refer to the time period surrounding the year 2000. “The millennial era” denoted the switch from the second millennium AD to the third. It was associated with feelings of anxiety about an uncertain future, and a sense that the millennium which was about to end had not been fully digested, its problems not fully resolved. But the latter feelings were vague, and easily buried under a sense of optimism about the future, an optimism which also clouded the anxiety which the more sensitive among us felt about the coming age. So far, the new millennium has proven the optimists utterly mistaken, and vindicated both of the other groups - those nervous about an uncertain future, and those concerned about an unresolved past.
This third definition is the one most interesting to me, and when I came to name my channel, it was at least as relevant as the fact that I am of the Millennial generation. I imagined that the term would continue to be used to refer to that era, which I also imagined would stretch out at least a bit further, but I have since come to realise for most people the millennial era had already ended by 2013, and nowadays nobody even uses the term to refer to that era in retrospect.
The setting up of a host community to be devoured by guest communities. It is usually sold to members of the host community as a chance to experience a variety of exotic food, which is ironic because it actually results in them being eaten by foreign cultures. Even in the short term, it doesn’t work, because few people are actually interested in other cultures, and meantime the presence of those other cultures disrupts stability, security and trust.
The vast bulk of the Western public. Those people who are free of the deep-seated urge to “be different”, whether in outward appearance or in hobbies and interests or, most saliently, in political beliefs. The normie is the conventional, the normal, but not necessarily the average; it does not denote a lack of ability or intelligence, only a lack of rebelliousness, and perhaps a lack of the intellectual vanity that can lead to rebelliousness. There is heavy but not total overlap between the normie and the NPC.
Some people dislike the term “normie”, finding it cringe, self-congratulatory and self-ghettoising on the part of people, like me, who use it. However, I think it is useful in that it refers to something that simply is real and important in the world.
A theoretical human being to which many real people are likened. The NPC has no “internal monologue” so cannot consciously explore or analyse his own thoughts. Instead, he “receives” pre-made thoughts, either from outside or from his subconscious, and has little choice but to accept them. His conscious mind is “read-only”, incapable of originality. If any part of him is capable of spontaneous creation, it is his subconscious, which is uncontrolled, untutored, unmonitored, and wholly irrational. As such, he is dependent on the outside world for his ideas and beliefs. He awaits “updates” from external authority, and adopts them wholesale and uncritically, since he is incapable of critical thought.
It is theorised that many real humans are effectively NPCs. This does not mean they are bad people necessarily, but not fully human in the way we traditionally believe. Rather, they are automatons, incapable of believing anything but what authority instructs them to believe, which could be anything from Nazism to Communism, Buddhism to Christianity, or the religion of our age.
Any of these belief systems, if delivered by the authority in the NPC’s world, will be adopted, believed in passionately, and spouted unthinkingly by the NPC, and he will react with bafflement at the idea of believing anything else, while being assured that his thoughts are his own and he has cogitated over his beliefs thoroughly.
Subconsciously, though, he is aware that this is not the case, and his mind has ways to protect him from realising his own condition. The main way is to attack anyone who has different beliefs from him, and to accuse them of being brainwashed, irrational, evil, stupid, etc.
the pod
An “ideal for living” that is assumed to be favoured by the technocrats for the general public. The pod has everything a consumer needs in order to spend his entire adult life consuming:
- central heating
- waste disposal system
- a (single) bed
- a toilet
- a shower
- possibly a kitchen
- a comfy chair
- a good Internet connection that enables him to occupy himself with trivia. This would be mostly digital services (ie. porn and Netflix/Spotify) but also physical products that get delivered to his pod (eg. food).
With these amenities, the citizen never needs to leave the pod, except for occasional medical interventions.
The only question is where his money comes from; who pays for the pod?
political parties
Organisations that exist ostensibly to address political issues, but in our age ensure that political issues are never addressed. Parties, and proponents thereof, are very hostile to single-issue referendums because those actually do what parties purport to do. In reality, parties encourage division among the public (so that people with common concerns do not ally as they naturally should) and practice the merging of political issues into election/party packages (so that nobody gets what they want and everyone has to vote for the package they least detest). This is like a restaurant that insists you choose between entire menus instead of between particular meals. But things are doubly absurd since, once in power, a political party usually abandons its election pledges anyway. That action is in turn buried under lots of petty recrimination about its rival parties. The whole thing is a chaotic farce masking complex mechanisms of manipulation. The collective result is that the public’s desires are ignored, and issues are resolved only in ways desired by the media and the wealthy backers thereof.
A middle-class version of 1984’s prolefeed; cultural product that is designed purely to waste the time and mental energy of educated people.
A portmanteau of “prestigious” and “vestigial”.
This is when a declining thing (eg. show, person, group, etc.) is artificially maintained, because the prestige it once garnered makes it valuable to the regime. For example, Have I Got News For You is past its time, but it is prestigial.
Star Wars is a prestigial franchise; long perverted and ruined by later instalments, it remains culturally potent because of its original success and the love that was felt for it, and it would remain culturally potent even if it became so sullied by creative abuse that the love for it entirely dried up and it was no longer financially lucrative: it would still be prestigial.
A thing can pass from prestigious to prestigial through lack of energy or innovation or drying up of the core talent (eg. Red Dwarf) or it can be actively transformed through use by the regime as an instrument of subversion. The nihilism of the regime is such that it can only ever convert the prestigious into the prestigial, in one act of creative sacrilege after another.
Further examples would be Doctor Who, James Bond and Lord of the Rings.
the quiet carriage
A carriage on a train that is designated for peace and quiet, ie. passengers are expected to maintain a low level of ambient noise. More info.
quiet carriage (guy/lady/people)
A name for the kinds of people who prefer the quiet carriage on a train. Thoughtful, civilised, cerebral, sensitive, etc. Usually they will be middle-class, but not always, and indeed some middle-class and upper-class people hate and ruin the atmosphere of the quiet carriage, because they are morons.
An arbitrary yet common sense way to categorise different branches of the human species based on observable traits. A social construct that is a close mapping of a biological reality. Often wrongly attributed to nasty 19th Century white men, the concept of race long predates that. For example, in the 7th Century, Muhammad recognised “black people” and “white people”. Later, Arab Muslims described black Africans, clearly seeing them as being of a different “kind” from Arabs. Meantime, Africans are racist against each other, with Bantus and Pygmies recognising themselves as different kinds. Race is a biological reality, resulting from divergent evolution between different groups. It is a “social construct” only in the way that our perception of a reality might vary by time or cultural change, but the hard reality remains and the only thing that has changed is our way of witnessing it.
When this term was first coined (apparently by Charles Malato in 1897, though it possibly existed in 1892) it was simply a synonym for ethnocentrism. As used by Richard Pratt in 1902, it was a negative term for ethnocentrism. As used in 1933 by Leon Trotsky, it refers negatively to “the theory of race”. Later, it came to mean “an unjustified hatred for other races”. Today, it is again a negative term for ethnocentrism - but only ethnocentrism displayed by white people. Other races, such as Ashkenazi Jews, are much more ethnocentric than white people, yet this is not denounced as racism.
What white people are when they behave as every other race behaves.
the Rainbow
The symbol of the religion of Equality.
the Rainbow Regime
The system of institutions, industries, individuals and social causes that make up the true governance around the West today, maintaining the infrastructure of globalisation and the religion of globalism.
The extended version of love/affection for a thing, when we begin to build a metaphysical role for it in the world and imagine a past and a future for it, perhaps without any evidence, but because we enjoy doing so.
This is what enables you to be honest about the world. It can happen without self-reflection, in the same way that a stopped clock is correct twice a day.
The part of somebody’s being that connects them to eternity, rescuing them from a purely material existence and giving them awareness of the meaning and sanctity of things.
the technocrats
The globalist managers, as prophesied by James Burnham, who administer the Western world, directing corporate and political leaders in the many different nations. Fictitious technocrats include Dr Strangelove, Mustapha Mond and even O’Brien. In the real world, Klaus Schwab is the most prominent technocrat today.
white people
The people who have white privilege. These are specifically people of (wholly) European descent. Caucasian does not necessarily mean white. Albino Sub-Saharan Africans are not white. Ashkenazi Jews are not white. White = genetically European.