Sorry, but I don't think your optimistic appraisal jives with reality. Certainly not for those of us unfortunate enough to be born British. I think Morgoth is right. The rest of the West might start to fight back, but the UK will become a woke North Korea. Compared to the other nations, there is something particularly hopeless about Britain. I don't think we are capable of liberating ourselves. We need outside intervention.

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I don't disagree with any of that. It's important to state that this essay is solely about America.

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All that is required for good to prevail is that White Britain's make peace with the IRA and learn the ways of armed resistance.

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So what exactly has the IRA's armed resistance ever accomplished?

Last I checked Northern Ireland is still British.

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The IRA basically won. They got the British Army out of Northern Ireland, had the RUC abolished, got all their fighters/terrorists (take your pick) released from prison, and got all kinds of affirmative action gibsmedats for the Catholics. Now they literally run Northern Ireland (First Minister is a Shinner). They also have the right to run infinity referenda until they get a United Ireland.

The irony is that they'll end up ruling over a country of 3rd world negroes and Muslims who neither know nor care a jot about Ireland and its history. The ultimate Irish joke?

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The IRA secured the existence of the Republic and pushed back (hard) on Protestant overreach. Now White Catholics and White Protestants are marching together against the darkies and all over Ireland White people are roasting bangers over the hot ashes of 'refugee centers'.

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I believe this is labours last gasp. Musk has his crosshairs on Labour and Starmer (post riots and continually, now with farmers tax - Google “Musk Starmer”) and Musk will fund Reform to the hilt and encourage merger with the new right of centre tories who will all have the wind in their sails post Trump-Musk victory. Trump will be the bridge between Musk and Farage.

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Do you really think all those retards and non-whites in Labour shitholes will stop voting for them? Optimistic.

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Many non Muslim minorities are tiring of Labour, such as Sikhs & Hindus. And BAME is still a minority in the U.K.

Mark my words the pendulum will swing back. Labour only got 30% of the vote share and 20% of eligible votes. Reform are already now a close 2nd in approx 90 constituencies.

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Non-whites voting Reform in number? I'll believe it when I see it.

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We will see a similar situation in U.K. as to the US. Where the urban vote becomes less powerful against the rest of the country.

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I’m not interested in the non white vote I’m talking about the overall vote. Which will snap back to the right like knicker elastic soon enough. Starmer is doomed. He was just helped by perfect circumstances of FPTP neutering Reform, and Tory implosion. It was a last gasp. Reform are gaining size and support at a rate that will force Tories to a coalition, and with and Trump / Musk / Clarkson & Farage in the mix it will force the Tories to the right. Starmer & co are losing popularity hand over fist and have gone to war with a lot of people they shouldn’t have.

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Additionally, this is a last pendulum swing to the left, as Europe and America turns right, and as post riots and post budget starmers minority of national support Labour Party will only continue to wither and eventually hollow out completely and collapse.

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Sadly, Britian is returning to its status before the roman or norman conquests. A shitty rainswept isle nobody thinks much of.

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Cheer up, mate. Be of good courage. The Lord has let the situation deteriorate to this unimaginable state of bleakness so that when He saves you, you will know that it is Him. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.

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Yes, Trump's election has bought us time. I am heartend to see that so many people online (and off) recognize this situation. Will Trump turn things around? He will help. It will be up to us and others like us to forge a new way forward.

I still believe that new countries will be formed as Western countries continue to rapidly decay and eventually collapse under the weight of de facto open borders. Tech titans like Peter Thiel have explored options like creating new countries for over a decade. That some of the smartest and richest men in the room recognize what is happening is important.

What is coming will be brtual. There is no escaping that. Learn a trade, build up social networks (make true friends), gather resources, and most importantly, develop the proper mindset.

And remember: you are not alone.

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I agree with your remedy but think your diagnosis is a bit off. 'The Right' has had 200 years to get its act together and is still looking for more 'time'. I've come to think that 'time' is part of the con. Back in the 1920s, the ruling class abandoned the political Right in America. At that point, the Right has been - at best - a shadow-puppet that the ruling class drags out whenever they need to cow their liberal supporters.

This current adjustment or realignment is wholly capitalist. You're going to get more monopoly, more globalism and more (legal) immigration.

You're not being offered 'time' to succeed. They're getting your consent to steal everything you think you own.

When 'liberalism' favored wealth-transference, the capitalists were 'liberal'.

Now that 'anti-liberalism' favors wealth-transference, the capitalists are 'anti-liberal'.

The reason this iteration of capitalism is opposed to identity politics is because *separatism* is on the rise and capital demands 'free movement' of goods, money, contracts and people in order to exploit localized assets and communities.

They want to shrink the government so that there's less oversight of their actions. They'll leave in place only the parts of government that big business and big labor need to maintain their monopolies by creating regulatory barriers to entry.

Capital hates competition.

And the destruction of competition for trans-national capitalism is what I expect from Trump.

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I am not relying on any of the current political parties, right, center, or left. I think what we are facing is now beyond elected government.

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Great article Woes, I've been talking about these things for the last several weeks. Glad to see great minds devoted to White well-being like yourself share my thoughts. I do think things might get some better, but we must keep pushing and use our comforts/freedoms to advance us towards a path of healing and redemption for our deracinated people. May all our gods bless you Woes and be with us in our struggle. <3

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I am English, but I married an American woman here in Britain, and we made the decision to move back several years ago. Currently still awaiting my visa to be processed, but I am glad that the election result vindicated our decision. I would be lying if I said I wasn't conflicted, however. I dearly love my homeland, and it does break my heart to leave, but as Woes pointed out in the article, for young white people aiming to raise a family, the US seems to be a much better place for the foreseeable future. I suppose the challenge will be not becoming complacent, and raising the kids right even in an environment of (relative) economic prosperity. We mustn't forget that this is just the first creaking step on a long, difficult road if we are to reverse the damage which has been done over the last century or so.

Britain is in for a difficult next few years. I dearly hope that Trump's resurgence will have some knock-on effects abroad. Perhaps his success will galvanise the Reform party and boost their morale. I will certainly be voting from abroad, as my wife did for this election. I can never leave England behind, no matter what becomes of it.

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I feel for you, fren. As sad as it may be, I know you’re making the right choice to move to America. Britain is done. Americans are absolutely horrified by what we observe has happened to your beloved homeland. We ALL see it. There will NEVER be any resurgence of yesteryear. Many Brits have become lazy and soft with not a revolutionary bone in their body. They’ve allowed their own country to be overrun by foul, entitled migrants who refuse to assimilate and are holding a grudge against their former ‘colonizers’ to begin with. What Britain desperately needed was a leader with the spirit of Ian Smith and instead the best they’ve got is civic nationalist, Zog-shill Nigel Farage and muzzie-lover George Galloway….What an unmitigated disaster! That said, welcome to your new ‘home’ here in the USA. We’ll leave the light on for ya. 💪🏻

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I recently read Ian Smith's book, Bitter Harvest: The Great Betrayal. Of course it wasn't Labour but the disgusting, treacherous Tories who ultimately sold him and Rhodesia out. The traitor is far worse than the enemy.

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100% ! Indeed, back in the day, even if faux Republican journalists interviewed people they despised, they at least allowed them to speak thoroughly and uninterrupted— they had honor and dignity. Btw, if I’m not mistaken, Tucker’s only son is literally named Buckley after WFB Jr. My how 25 years makes a difference in whose heroes one has, doesn’t it? I’m almost positive if Tucker could have a mulligan on that now, he would! As for Bilzerian, yes watched that a few days ago with glee. I felt DB came on stronger towards the end of the interview but wished he directly challenged that scone-eating Lymie bastard by asking HIM questions he’d be uncomfortable answering. I give DB a 7/10 performance but that said, it was still light years more of a blistering rebuke than anything I’ve ever seen mainstream.

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I haven’t read it yet but it’s definitely on my list. I’m assuming you’ve seen this absolutely legendary interview with Ian Smith and Firing Line’s William F Buckley Jr. from 1974? ⬇️


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Yes, William F Cuckley, the man who destroyed the real right in America (the John Birch Society). An early example of controlled opposition. He kept nagging Smith about letting more Africans into the franchise, ignoring the fact that, as Smith said, they had their own tribal systems and were largely uninterested in and uncomprehending of the white man's parliament.

But Smith did well, and Buckley allowed him to make his points, particularly near the end when he described the reality of the US and UK supporting Communist terrorists. Imagine the same interview today with some buffoon like Piers Morgan interrupting every ten seconds and spluttering faux outrage about "racism". Speaking of which, look up Dan Bilzerian on Morgan the other day naming the Jew. The guy just became my personal hero.

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Off-topic: It blew my mind to see that Benjamin Boyce will be on Millenniyule! Congratulations on that. Really looking forward to that. The Overton window has shifted so much in the last few years. What it was fringe in 2016 has now entered the center and even the reasonable left, to a degree that was totally unthinkable only 5-10 years ago. I hope for more interaction with people from outside these circles. In that sense, my next dream guest for Millenniyule would be Nina Power. She's both lovely and a brilliant thinker.

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Wow, I just saw Nina Power has been announced too. I'm speechless. I didn't expect that one. It could be the best Millenniyule ever. Really looking forward to this year's Millenniyule!

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I think that censorship around race will become worse now that Trump has won, just like last time. We were allowed to have some more freedom before the election in order to lure pro whites into voting for him, but now that he's in that's going to come to an end.

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I suspect Trump's second term will be similar to his first stint, namely, that he won't do much. I hope he does rise to the challenge and I hope to be proved wrong. Perhaps he will do something concrete on immigration into America (at least illegal immigration) and get control over their southern border, but on a few occasions he has said he wants MORE immigration into the the country, just that he wants it to be legal. Should he chose to tackle illegal immigration, he will most likely be hampered in any attempts by legal warfare from the Left and/or sabotage from within.

Alas, for us poor inhabitants of the failing state, Britain, we will have none of the potential hope that Americans have......we have Starmer.

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Finally someone on my feed who actually wrote a bloody article, everything else is e-begging. Based Woes.

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As an American male in my 20s, your closing points ring very true.

My chances of finding a normal woman to settle down with and have a family have probably gone up, but the chance of my race surviving in the long term may not have increased, and may have even decreased.

You are right, if the Trump-Musk Leviathan is going to hitch its wagon to free speech, we need to be pushing as hard as ever these next 4 years.

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Trump's victory was assured on October 7th 2023, when the J.....sorry, "Zionists" (arrest me now, Keir!) who control America put in motion their plan for regime change in Iran. They realised that Kamala Harris, tranny admirals and Army commercials starring girls with lesbian "moms" wouldn't harvest the necessary white goyim cannon fodder at the enlistment centres.

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This situation calls to mind the "hard times create strong men, good times create weak men" meme. I suspect that some sort of data exists that has the establishment worried about the number of potential strong men they could be creating. It might be interesting to ponder on Trump as the regime's pseudo- strong man, there to placate the population and lull them back into the comfortable slumber of the pre-2010 'good times'. While the withdrawal of 'woke' would be welcomed by all of us, we must ensure that we maintain our critical faculties.

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ZOG wants strong men. To send to die for Israel in Iran.

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The battle is far, far from won. But white zoomer boys do give me hope.

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